I am always looking for the picture in the picture. This is a photo of an old beached boat on a beach in Svalbard. What I like to od is shoot the picture of the larger subject (the boat) itself then go in close and start to look for new compositions. Sometimes I use a long lens like the 100-400nn lens. In this shot, I saw the bow of the ship as it’s own abstract photo. I moved back a bit and zoomed in with the telephoto lens to compress the image a bit. Then I shot it. At first, if you see the images you might not know what it is. This forces the viewer to stop for a minute to figure it out. Some people may not even figure it out. I like this subject as it has a lot of things I like, such as rust and peeling paint. Enjoy.
Tag: ship
Ship Wreck In Punta Arenas
I’m in Punta Arenas now (Jan. 31st) getting ready to fly out to Antarctica for a trip going south of the polar circle. It’s a great trip and one always full of surprises. while in Punta Arenas I like to vsit two different areas, the water front and the grave yard. This was done on the waterfron abouta. mile outside of town. This ship must have grounded itself there many years ago as each time I come here it is still here.
I shot this iamge from the top of the hill with a long lens to get a tight shot. I love shooting tight and seeing the world in a different perspective.
Rusty Antarctica
Why I Do What I Do

I love what I do just in case you haven’t figured that out. I love adventure and the surprises each day brings. Like in this image made in Antarctica. There is something about being on the bridge of a ship when a Russian Captain smiles as he rams his ship onto an ice shelf and parks it there. It’s even more fun to watch him back the ship off the ice shelf. Every trip and every day on an Antarctica adventure has a special memory.
Ship Wrecked

I have been playing wit this image for a while. This a shot of a ship that was wrecked or beached in Svalbard, Norway. It has all the things I like, decay and rust in a beautiful setting. I shot it at the angle I did to utilize the lines of the boat in the composition. This was made with a Nikon d*00e and a 24-70mm lens.
Anchors Away

This ship is no longer in Saugatuck where the image was taken. It was a landmark there for a long time. A year ago the ship was moved to a new loaction where it will be restored and opened as a museum. I have always had fun shooting this boat and have a lot of good images of it. This one I like because of the symmetry and the way the light plays on the hull.
BW Classic From Saugatuck, Michigan

A number of years ago I decided to head out for a weekend adventure up the west coast of Michigan. I thought I would shoot sleepy little villages and lighthouses. As I was driving up the Blue Star Highway I saw this ship off to my left. I stopped and shot it and have been doing so until last Summer when they took the ship to Canada to refurbish it and make it a museum. I also discovered a wonderfully peaceful town there Saugutuck. This is an artsy village with bed and breakfasts places, galleries and a unique charm. Put it on your must visit list.
Old Boat

One day while visiting Seattle I decide that everything I shot I would do in HDR. I also decided to do this technique with the gritty look. Needed to get it out of my system I suppose. So, this was shot of an old boat at a maritime museum with three different exposures. They were then blended in photomatix.