Another image from the Neon Bone Yard In Las Vegas. shot and did HDR post processing on all the images made here. Why? Because I made it my assignment. Sometimes when I go out shooting I give myself a challenge or assignment. This one was shoot 5 exposures of everything and put them together after. The results are interesting and lend to the abstractness of this wonderful place. Part of the secret in shooting at the Neon Bone Yard is shooting tight and shooting just elements. fun place – fun pictures.
Category: Image Of The Day
Daily Images by Kevin Raber
Hole In The Ice
This shot is just cool. Cruising an area in Antarctica we cam across a bay with lots of ice. So, we hopped in the Zodiacs and took a cruise. This is one shot from that cruise. Not a spectacular one but a cool one.
One of the most fun things to do (in my opinion) is to get in the car and go explore. I did this the past weekend and I have more shots to post from that adventure. Today’s image is one I did in Michigan at a place called Sunset Juuque. It’s kind of like a Disneyland of junk. All neatly arranged in these little set ups by the clever owner. This is one I call Sad Gypsy. I discovered this place because I was just driving around. No matter where I go I like to drive and explore. If I see something I stop and check it out. A lot of the times I end up shooting it. You have to capture the moment. Odds are this set up is not there anymore. It could have moved or just rotted away. You have to get it when you see it. This was done with my basic set up of a Canon 5dII and 24-105 lens.
Old Trucks
Seems on my last few trips I have been finding a lot of old trucks wherever I go. I love old stuff, rust and decay. Can’t get enough of it. During my sons wedding weekend we went out exploring and came upon a place with a lot of old rusty trucks and things. So, naturally I had to take some photos. Because of the light – heavy overcast, light drizzle I did HDR 2 under, over and normal exposures on my Canon 5dII. This image is the first of a few taken at just this one stop. Look for more in the coming days.
Also, in a week I will be in Ireland leading a PODAS workshop with 15 photographers. I’ll be posting from there so stay tuned. You can also follow the trip at the PODAS BLOG.
Three trips to Antarctica and I have thousands of images that are standout. I think it is time to gather the images together and make a book. There are not enough hours in the day and I do have a regular job. I have a lot of trips with images still waiting for editing and printing. Today’s image was shot from a zodiac on a cruise in Paradise Bay on my first trip to Antarctica. I love this image and the reflection. Shot with a P45+ hand held.
I made it to the Hood Valley area between Washington and Oregon and the Skamania Lodge where my sons wedding will take place on Sunday. It’s raining and dynamic. Kind of what you expect for this area. Many of the family have arrived with more arriving tomorrow. Within the first five minutes of being here the clouds broke open and produced a rainbow. Luckily i had my iPhone so I grabbed a shot. I knew the only way if would work was should in HDR so I set up the shot and let the iPhone do it’s thing. Now I use an app called AutoHDR and it takes a few seconds to analyze the scene. And just before it started to shoot the sequence of images these two kids jumped in the shot. I was like what!! but you know what they made the shot and added the foreground. So, sometimes things just go your way.
On My Way
Well the day has finally come. By the time you read this I will be on my way to Oregon for my oldest sons wedding How cool is that. I am very proud of what he has accomplished. A dedicated soldier in Army SF he has seen and done more than most of will ever do in a lifetime. He is marrying one of the nicest person I know and I know they will be very happy. This will be the first time in many years that my whole family will be together. My three sons, their mom and lots or relatives. It should be a great weekend. To start the weekend off here is another BW image from Moab. Shot with a Phase One P65+ on an APLA camera.
Chicago – City Of Strong Buildings
I love Chicago! It’s a fun city to visit, easy to get around and offer many attractions, but more than that I love photographing there. Great architecture no matter where you look. I am leading a Phase One PODAS workshop in July on architecture photography in Chicago. It will great to share with the attendees the interesting possibilities on shooting in this great city. It will be an intense three day workshop and will cover interior and exterior photography, a boat cruise and image manipulation and processing. We have only one seat left for this workshop. In any case todays image is one I love taken from a bridge showing the old rivet ironwork and the new stainless steel buildings.
Feels Like A B&W Day
This is an image I shot while in Moab last year. On some trips you are lucky to have dynamic weather. When this happens you get skies that work with you. This shot was made with a P65+ on an APLA camera. It looks great in color but is so much more dramatic in B&W.
Magical Antarctica
I have had so many great experiences on my three trips to Antarctica. Each trip has been life changing. It’s not hard to point a camera in any direction and get a great shot. It becomes overwhelming at some points. But I’ll take overwhelming and I’ll take 24 hour days. Because in the end you end up with images like this. Today’s image was shot with a Canon 1DS Mark II with a long lens at one of those 3 hour sunset – sunrises that happens in Antarctica. I have been working on a ton of images from Antarctica and a dozen other places. With all my travels I have a large backlog but you can count on and endless number of images to be viewed on this blog.