This is another image I made at the recent Carmel, IN automobile show. I like looking at things differently, try to catch the essence of the classic cars but doing it from different angles than others. THis shot I feel defines what a jag is all about.
I have a collection of images made in old and abandoned trains. I try something new once in a while and sometimes an idea works. This shot was made of multiple images stitched manually together to form this picture. This was a from a number of train cars I found abandoned in a filed not to far from my home. They have since been moved and no longer there. It was such great place to shoot in once and a while.
Funny how some picture can look nice but if you were actually present when the shot was made you would think differently. This image was made in one of the geo-thermal fields scattered all over Iceland. It’s great that these fields provide a self sustainable power resource for the country. But, they smell so bad due to high sulfur content, that shooting pictures here can make you feel nauseous. It is worth it though and I did come away with many excellent images from this shoot.
Copenhagen as you know from reading my previous posts is one of my favorite cities to visit. So much to do, and some real good culture. I love shooting photos there. Christiania is a part of Copenhagen that was taken over by for lack of better words hippies many years ago. It was an old Army base that is now a counter culture area of the city. It is fun to visit and there is a lot of color. This image was made in the stairwell of one of the buildings leading up to a restaurant. I saw the window with graffiti and had to shoot it.
Sometimes images of famous well know locations can be so clichéd. So when I shoot some of these locations I try to see it differently and have some fun with the image to change it up a bit and get folks to stop and look. This is a classic Grand Canyon shot, where I used a long lens and cropped the sky out. Then using a number of different apps and Photoshop I came up with this look. A little soft, lots of color and somewhat surreal.
Once again another cool shot from the car show. Trying to get a different angle I used the iPhone and Hipstamatic to create this shot and framed it from a top down view. I saw reflections and some very handsome geometry going on and this I got this image.
Once a year the Arts District where I live (Carmel, IN) holds a classic car show. It is a big draw and a lot of fun to see all the cool cars that are on display. Like all things in Carmel, it has a certain charm and small town feel. I love going to see what I can find to take pictures of. I look for different angles and views that are typical snapshots. Nothing new with that but I love cars with their curves and angles. So here is the first image. I’ll post more soon.
There was this big old steam ship sitting at a dock as a tourist attraction in Saugutuck, MI. The ship has since been moved to Canada where it will be restored and become part of a ship museum. I have shot this location a number of times. The elements of the ship and the old lifeboats have given me plenty of good exposures. This is the anchor and I like the strength and colors.
This November I am holding a very special photo workshop in Arizona covering Monument Valley and The Slot Canyons near Page. At aPAge we will be shooting some amazing canyons and a few no tourists go to. This is a shot in Antelope with the beam of sunshine going through. I like this one because it is passing through and not landing on the floor of the canyon or wall. Shot with an IQ 180 this image has amazing detail.
It feels so good to be shooting and especially when you are in the woods outdoors and stumble upon a shot like this. This was at Rickets Glen in Pennsylvania. Lots of waterfalls there. This shot was taken through the trees (obviously). I wanted to combine the fall colors with the waterfall equally. I really love the feel of this image and how it is simple and pleasing to look at. Shot with a P65+