While in San Diego I had the chance to do a lot of photography at a number of different locations. I love shooting by the waterfront and you may remember a photo of sails from a few weeks ago that was taken here. So I concentrated on looking at everything cropped and found a lot of symmetry. I shot this big sailboat that I believe was used in a movie straight on. Interesting lines and perspective here.
Author: Kevin Raber
Sunset Over Marathon

Last evening i was visiting some friends in Marathon, FL. This is one of my friends that I have stayed in touch with from High School and she has been working for years in keys with Dolphin. On the way there the sun was setting and I had my oldest son Kevin Jr. with me. And at his urging we pulled over and did a number of captures of a most magnificent sunset. This one shot jazzed up a bit in SnapSpeed on my iPad. IT was a very spectacular sunset!
Old Lady In A Hurry
One things I enjoy doing is street photography. Shooting people and scenes while walking around a town or an area. This shot was made in Buenos Aires and is of an hunched over lady rushing up the street and on a mission. She was moving very fast. I liked the wall, color of her clothing and the packages she was carrying.
Red Barn
Antarctica Whaling Station

At one time whaling was huge industry in the Antarctica region. Dotted across the region are old whaling stations, long abandoned where ships would bring whales that were caught, drag them ashore, butcher them and process them. Stories of bays turning red because of all the blood abound. Now all that’s left are rusty tanks, pumps, boilers and old building that barely stand. Of course this is my kind of place liking decay and rust as much as I do. Today’s image is a shot (one of hundreds) of a whaling station on Deception Island along the Antarctica Peninsula.
Icelandic Waterfall

Iceland is one of the most beautiful locations for doing landscape photography. The vistas just keep coming at you. Hard to describe unless you visit. I am leading another workshop there next May and look forward to visiting and photographing there again. The image above is the base of one of the hundreds of waterfalls that exist there. I dragged the shutter a bit to get the feel of the water hitting the shoots then played with the image on the ipad a bit. This was photographed with a Phase One P65+ back so I had 60 megapixels to work with. This shot doesn’t come close to showing the detail in the images.
Industrial Landscape

The sun is going dow and a storm is rolling in and I am at a very Terminator movie looking place. No one is around yet there are all of these giant machines all around, wires and pipes running all over he ground. So, I saw this one shot and thought it would work. There are a lot more. This has wires going out to some building but I have no idea what any of this stuff is. Made for an interesting photo.
Stairs Again

Today’s image is from the same place in San Miguel, Mexico where I did the shot from a week ago. This time I composed the picture so I was looking dead on into the stairs. I like the brick, concrete and stone. I loaded the image onto my iPad which is now one of my favorite have with you anytime editing platforms and worked the image a bit a few programs. This is the result. Hope you like it.
Debra On A Truck

A week or so ago Debra, my shooting partner and friend called and said let’s go shoot. It was a warm day (and I don’t move fast on warm days) and I said slowly OK. I knew I needed to go out and do some shooting. It’s great therapy especially when you need to clear the mind. It was also one of those evenings where it looked like a storm could blow in any minute. So, we headed off and we had no place in particular in mind to go. Then I remembered a place my son and I stumbled upon a few years ago and using my iPad with satellite view I located the gravel pit and we headed there. The gates were open so we went in and we spent nearly two hours there shooting Debra went her way and I went mine. At one point when I was coming back from the dredging area Debra was standing on this old dump truck. So, I said pose and as Debra always does she struck a few unusual poses. I love this one as it just works on so many levels. I shot it with my iPhone, even though I had my big boy camera with me. I wanted to use the ProHDR app to capture the details in the sky and not lose detail in Debra. Damn, it worked great. I then took the image into my iPad and played even more adding border, grain, more dramatic light effects etc.. Man, this si so much fun. So, here it is. I think it is one cool, bad ass shot!
Columns & Doors

For years I have been enjoying time in a little lake town in Michigan, Saugutuck. It’s an artsy town sitting on the lake and is just full of charm. Slightly south of Saugutuck is a place called Sunrise Junque. I have been visiting this unique and one of a kind antique – junk store for years and will start to work on a book soon about this place. It is the definition of ecliptic. There are so many unusual and sometimes creepy things all displayed in odd ways at this place. The place is run by a very nice couple who have been doing this for years. Kind of left over hippies but really cool. I have bought a bunch of neat things here, but more than anything else I love shooting here. You’ll see lots of images from this great place in the future as I have a ton of shots and will be going through everything prepping for the book. Today it is columns and doors. Of course as usual I messed around the shot to make it even more fun.