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Sad Gypsy - Near Saugutuck, MichiganOne of the most fun things to do (in my opinion) is to get in the car and go explore.  I did this the past weekend and I have more shots to post  from that adventure.  Today’s image is one I did in Michigan at a place called Sunset Juuque.   It’s kind of like a Disneyland of junk.  All neatly arranged in these little set ups by the clever owner.  This is one I call Sad Gypsy.  I discovered this place because I was just driving around.  No matter where I go I like to drive and explore.  If I see something I stop and check it out.  A lot of the times I end up shooting it.  You have to capture the moment.  Odds are this set up is not there anymore.  It could have moved or just rotted away.  You have to get it when you see it.  This was done with my basic set up of a Canon 5dII and 24-105 lens.

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Old Trucks

Old Truck Near Skamania, WA

Seems on my last few trips I have been finding a lot of old trucks wherever I go.  I love old stuff, rust and decay.  Can’t get enough of it.  During my sons wedding weekend we went out exploring and came upon a place with a lot of old rusty trucks and things.  So, naturally I had to take some photos.  Because of the light – heavy overcast, light drizzle I did HDR 2 under, over and normal exposures on my Canon 5dII.  This image is the first of a few taken at just this one stop.  Look for more in the coming days.

Also, in a week I will be in Ireland leading a PODAS workshop with 15 photographers.  I’ll be posting from there so stay tuned.  You can also follow the trip at the PODAS BLOG.

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Chicago – City Of Strong Buildings

Chicago, IL

I love Chicago!  It’s a fun city to visit, easy to get around and offer many attractions, but more than that I love photographing there.  Great architecture no matter where you look.  I am leading a Phase One PODAS workshop in July on architecture photography in Chicago.  It will great to share with the attendees the interesting possibilities on shooting in this great city.  It will be an intense three day workshop and will cover interior and exterior photography, a boat cruise and image manipulation and processing.  We have only one seat left for this workshop.  In any case todays image is one I love taken from a bridge showing the old rivet ironwork and the new stainless steel buildings.

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Rust and Rope

Rusty Ship - Buenos Aires

Thought it was time for a rust shot.  I love rust and have quite a few new images on the subject so prepare yourself in the coming weeks.  This was shot in Buenos Aires of an old abandoned ship at dock.  It literally looks like one day they docked the ship and then just walked away from it. There are dozens of these ships along several docks in Buenos Aires.

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The Last Palouse For A Week

Truck In A Barn - Palouse, WA

Well it’s another day and another plane ride.  Today it’s New York for a few days. Need to spend some time in the office working on pushing the PODAS workshops along and making sure we are set to go for a busy rest of the year.  We have a PODAS workshop every month for the rest of the year.  Also, I have a trip to China coming up in the next month to promote a workshop there.  Life at Phase One is always busy.

Today’s image is another take on the barn with the truck I posted the other day.  This time from the front with some effects thrown onto it for artistic sake.  Shot on a P65 and then converted using an iPhone app.  It’s just fun.  The details in the original Phase One file are amazing.  Definitely be working on some big prints when time allows.  Think I’ll post some Neon Graveyard images the next few days.

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Discovery In The Palouse

Old Barn in the Palouse

I am heading home today after spending two days in the Palouse area of Washington state. I spent a lot of time driving back road finding places for the group to shoot that is part of the workshop here in August. In my drive I discovered barn that literally folded in on itself. This made for a good image with the cloudy sky and such. Next to the barn was a small out building. There were no locks on the door and I entered and discovered an amazing sight. Here in this barn that literally hasn’t been touched for maybe 60 years, was an old truck and a ton of other things. There was a shelf of Popular Mechanics magazines dated 1947. What a cool place. I am not big on trespassing and if I can I always seek permission to shoot on someone elses property. There were no signs or even a hint to who owns this place. So, I set up and spent some time shooting being careful not to disturb anything. This is one of those shots. Made with a P65+ with 30 second exposures. I made a number of exposures and combined them then converted to B&W. I may post a color image soon as well as one or two more from this great little place that I discovered.

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Bottom Of The world

On The Way to Antarctica - Ushuaia - Argentine

At the very most souterh tip of Argentina is a small and very remote city – Ushuaia. This is the point where you jump to Antarctica from.  It is the southern most tip of the world as we know it.  I spent a week in Ushuaia one day.  Not a lot to do.  So I wandered around and took pictures which something as you know I like to do.  I came upon a small beach with a wrecked boat and another pretty wrecked boat not too far off shore.  So, I shot this shot and a number of close-ups.  I like this one foreground and back ground seem to work well.

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Rusty Texture

Rusty Boat - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Since I did a pattern shot yesterday, why not texture today?  So, here is a rusty art photo.  I love rust and anyone following this blog knows that.  This is rust from a ship in Argentina.  Buenos Aires seems to be a good city for rust.  This was found on an old boat being scrapped.

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Two Hours In Vegas

Neon Boneyard - Las Vegas

I met up with one of the attendees of the PODAS workshop in Vegas today and we went to the Neon Boneyard. It was a hot 100 degree day. Funny as it was in the 30’s when I left Indy. In any case we had a fun time shooting the old neon signs of Vegas. Lots of colors and such. So, I decided to take the color out and make an image that might make you take a second look. Hope it works. I like it.


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The Neon Boneyard

Old Neon Sign - The Boneyard

I leave on Friday for a ten day trip to Death Valley.   This is one of the most beautiful National Parks there is.  It’s deceiving because you drive into it and you see just desert, but it has it’s surprises. Before I head out to Death Valley I’ll be stopping in Las Vegas, and picking up a friend from Australia and we are going shooting in the Neon Boneyard.  This is a photographers paradise.  This is where they all the old signs from the hotels and casinos in Vegas.  It is rich in texture and color and just about anyplace you point the camera is a good shot.  I will be shooting with my small GH2 camera and doing 5 exposure HDRs.  I have shot medium format here before and just have some amazing shots.  This time I have ideas of what I want to do with the final images and they will not be big prints.  After this little excursion I”ll be headed to Furnace Creek Inn where I will be leading a Phase One PODAS workshop for a week.  We have folks coming from around the world to try out the Phase One camera systems in this marvelous landscape.  You can follow the event on the PODAS blog by Clicking Here.  I’ll post a new shot here tomorrow and if all goes well on Friday night I’ll post a Neon Boneyard shot.