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The Stories This Plane Could Tell

Junked Plane, Alaska

This is an image I shot in Alaska. What a great and wonderful state to photograph in. There is a certain quirkiness found there. You drive down the roads and strange things just present themselves. On one of my trips to Denali I took a moment to shoot off to an old train museum.  Where else can I find rust and decay?  While I enjoyed shooting there, next door I found an airplane junk yard. And in this junk yard was just an old plane cockpit. I don’t know where the rest of the plane was, but this is the shot of the cockpit. Kind of has a lot to say.


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Anchor, Saugutuck, Michigan

There was this big old steam ship sitting at a dock as a tourist attraction in Saugutuck, MI.  The ship has since been moved to Canada where it will be restored and become part of a ship museum.  I have shot this location a number of times.  The elements of the ship and the old lifeboats have given me plenty of good exposures.  This is the anchor and I like the strength and colors.

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Chicago Bridge

Once again on one of my walk a bouts in Chicago I saw this image on a bridge in .  Carefully lined it up and waited for the person to come into the frame.  Do you like it?  Kind of cool,  It shows a lot about Chicago, old, new and lots of riveted steel and iron.  Taken with a Phase One P65+.  Yes you can do street photography with it.

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Crooked Houses

Crooked Houses

I love wandering different antique markets, stores and wherever else looking for the unusual.  What I find is usually something rusty and maybe colorful.  This was at a small antique store near Saugatuck MI.  I used my iPhone and shot this with Hipstamatic.  Tight cropping and colors work.

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Rusty Ships

Rust On The River, Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is a very interesting city to visit.   Beautiful and sometimes dangerous but also mysterious.  The shipyard area which is dangerous so I am told is cool place to take pictures but probably not the greatest place to visit.  No one told me that though.  So, liking rust and all I came across docks full of rusty boats and if they weren’t at the docks someone drove them down the river, grounded them and walked away.  An awful lot of junk and rust and you know how I like rust.  This is one of the resting hulks.  Always wish I knew the back story.  How did it get there, when, why etc.


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Leaky Boats

Old Lifeboats near Saugatuck, MI

The weekend was a fun shoot.  Saw many things and had a lot of fun shooting the out of the ordinary.  Heading west this weekend so expect to see some big landscapes by this time next week.  In the meantime I am still having fun posting the different.  Todays shot is a continuation of the image from yesterday.  These are two of around ten life boats in a big field just sitting there rusting away.  Some very cool photo possibilities.  Shot with an iPhone and using the hipstamatic app.  I used the Kodat and Jonny S combo.  Lots of fun to shoot small.  Next week it’s back to 80 mega pixels.

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Rusty Gears

While wandering with my iPhone we visited an antique store.  A very cool place and it was photographers dream.  So many cool and unusual items.  Outside I found a basket full of gears and I did some shots.  This one of the ones I like the best.  Shot with iPhone and hipstamtic app and a bit of enhancement in Snapseed.

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Playing The What Is It Game

Rusty Chair or Muddy River

It’s fun sometimes to make photographs and have people guess what it is of.  This weekend I created a few of those and I will present thins this week.  Today’s image was made yesterday on one go my Sunday photo adventures.  Simply it’s get in the car head in a  direction and see what you find.  And, we found all sorts of cool stuff.  When I saw this image I had to shot it.   Being a rust guy I was all over it.  This is the back of one of those old chairs you’d put in your backyard.  As the paint peeled new rust formed and then rusted more paint off.  You can see the lines where all this happened.  However this could also be an aerial shot of a muddy river.  Hmmmm….fun isn’t it?