I will be posting a lot of rust pictures from Antarctica this is part of a project for a small book I am working on. Hard to believe there is so much rust there. Read about this more under the articles tab.
Tag: Antarctica
Me Having fun

First, my apologies for not posting more photos and posts in general lately. Things have been moving at a fast pace on many fronts and a number of other projects took priority. Things are now getting a bit more manageable and I will try to get these posts back up to being posted on a more regular basis. Today’s photo is me having fun. This was shot on S. Georgia Island as part of our S. Georgia – Antarctica Photo Workshop trip last November. It’s an incredible feeling to be with wildlife and especially penguins in such an amazing environment. I feel truly blessed. Thank you, Debra (my wife) for catching this magic moment. I am so happy you were able to be part of the adventure.
Blue Icebergs
There is so much to photograph in Antarctica. This image was made as we were cruising. I saw the grey sky and the blue of the icebergs as they floated in the sea. I must admit I saturated the blue a bit for effect but I like it and especially the way it contrasts with the background. This was shot with a long lens handheld from a moving ship. the Fuji XT-2 with the 100-400mm lens allowed me a long reach to get this image.
Lemaire Channel – One End To The Other
I really enjoy doing panorama photos. Not only do they make large files that I can print large but they also allow a viewer to see a lot more in an image than a traditional single shot frame does. There are a lot of photographers that make a big point out of doing perfect panoramas using special rigs and aligning the nodel points to perfection. While I do that sometimes most of the time I just don’t the gear or the time. As a matter of fact a lot of time I can really good panos just by panning the camera handheld. And, that’s exactly what I did with this image. I was on a moving ship traveling through the Lemaire Channel. It’s a most amazing place in Antarctica and while you can get great single frame images I saw an opportunity and thought I’d give it a shot by doing a handheld pano while the ship was moving. The water was calm and the sunrise was just happening. A gorgeous, moment is the only way to describe it. So I did two series of pans and one turned out. Photoshop where I did the stitching together of the images, was brilliant at compensating for the movement of the ship and thus this is the image I ended up with. The channel can be seen from one end to the other.
We Are Back In Many Ways
Today we launched the NEW Kevinraber.com. reabereyes.com website. One of the things I did for a long time was to make a post a day with one of my photographs and the story behind it. Today we are back with the new look.
We are also back from Antarctica and South Georgia Island. What a fantastic trip to such an amazing place. I lead a ship of 68 photographers to this amazing place, and for 21 days we had an adventure of a lifetime. You’ll read more about this in coming weeks.
I look forward to sharing more photos and stories. Also, the new site will also have the articles I have written for Luminous-Landscpe.com the site that I am publisher and CEO of.
Antarctica Sunrises Never Disappoint
Antarctica In Black and White
Magical Passage

There is one channel that is narrow and a favorite place to travel through on visits to Antarctica. I have been through this passage a dizen or more time and each time it offers something unique. This is a sunrise passage on a beautiful calm day. The picture says it all.
Why I Do What I Do

I love what I do just in case you haven’t figured that out. I love adventure and the surprises each day brings. Like in this image made in Antarctica. There is something about being on the bridge of a ship when a Russian Captain smiles as he rams his ship onto an ice shelf and parks it there. It’s even more fun to watch him back the ship off the ice shelf. Every trip and every day on an Antarctica adventure has a special memory.