I have been to Australia a number of times. It’s very far away and is a very long plane ride. However, once you are there you will be treated to a beautiful country. The people are incredibly friendly and the scenery is very versatile. This location is near the center of the country. This is a gorge which there a number of and they are usually in a canyon with water running through them. I have a few images from this canyon. One of these is a three-shot pano and the other is a single shot.
Category: Phase One P45+
Heading Out Again – Palouse Bound

I am heading out early tomorrow to lead a workshop in the Palouse. This is one of my favorite areas in the country to photography. Kind of like the Tuscany of America. Rolling hills and big skies. Our workshop will be shooting at harvest time. This is the time all the fields have turned from green to gold. And , the farmers with their combines start to cut down the wheat. This means everyday will be different. There are new patterns and things to shoot all the time. This image was made a few years ago but to me is what the Palouse is all about. Simple and beautiful landscapes.
Since I am in America and have internet we will continue to post articles and images directly from the workshop.
Magical Bryce

Bryce National PArk is a rather small park but certainly offers up some spectacular sights. As with all National Parks I visit, I love the beauty of them but as a photographer I get frustrated with the clichéd feeling of pictures. Certainly it is great to be able to take a photo from the same location many famous landscape photographers have made their images. So, when I find myself shooting at the locations I do everything I can to get something different. Something that is from a new angle, with a different lens or different lighting. If I can walk away with a different but still recognizable image then I have accomplished part of my mission. This image was made at Bryce but done with a long lens and isolates a certain part of the Hoodoos. Light also played a factor in this image giving the hillside I was shooting a very special glow.
Norwegian Ice

I am excited because I leave in a few hours for my 40th class reunion back in Wayne, PA. HArd to believe it has been 40 years. I’ll be meeting up with some old firefighting buddies and visiting some people I haven’t seen in a very long tome. Best of all I’ll be eating breakfast at my all time favorite breakfast place Joe’s Place. Three mornings of breakfasts there should do me for a while. Today’s image is from a glacier in Norway. Light and the color of the ice make it a beautiful image.
The Wall

This is one of the canyon walls in Zion National Park. Amazing colors and growth. I love Zion as there is so much to shoot and it is such a small park. As I said in a previous post I have a number of Zion images that will be seeing some attention. This was shot early November a few years ago. Shot with a Phase One P65+ it has amazing micro detail. The big print of this image is just gorgeous.
More Zion

The last week in October and first week in November is a great time to visit Zion National Park. The colors are changing, the weather is great and the light is beautiful. I have been working on some of my older files and the last few evenings I have been doing Zion images. So expect more. This was shot with a P45+ and a Phase One camera.
A Classic
I say classic as this image was made on a bridge overlooking a stream and at sunset there will be 50 photographers on this bridge trying to capture this shot. The one above was made by taking six images and stitching them together. I used Capture One to balance the shadows and highlights from just one exposure. It helps it was taken on a Phase One P45+ as the dynamic range of all Phase One backs is so good. I have been re-working a lot of my images and I’ll post another Zion picture tonight.
Slot Canyons

This is another image from large library of clot cannon images. This was done at Lower Antelope canyon and shot with a Phase One P45+. This camera is capable of long exposures with great success. These canyons are so cool. As light comes down from below some of the colors are absorbed by the orange sandstone and lots of blue is left in the light to hight light some of the area. I just love the way all this color works.
Big Bend

This is an image shot a National Park that doesn’t get much attention except for the number of illegals that travel across it. Big Bend National Park in Texas is one of those hard to get to and not so well know parks. Plenty of stuff there to shoot though. This was done during lazy and hazy sunset. Was kind of cool to see all the layers that presented themselves.
Algonquin Park Shore Line

I have been doing what every photographer should do is going through old images and archive them off to a second drive to be stored elsewhere. Also, I am in the middle of a project for a massive web site change. So, as I am going through my files I am finding tons of old but good shots. Here is one from 2004 shot on a Phase One P25 camera. I love the colors, contrast, birch trees and how it all sits on a very steep hillside.