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Today It’s Rocks

Rock Formation, Big Bend, TX

After posting a very popular image from yesterday of an Iceberg, I though I would go another direction and put up some cool rocks.  There were shot in Big Bend National park an number of years ago.  There were some great formations there.  I likes the way the rooks seemed to be piled as if god was just having fun stacking them in certain spots.  This formation I like with the sky, shadow and look.


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Norwegian Glacial Valley

Glacial Valley, Norway

One of the locations I want to do a PODAS workshop at next year will be Norway.  I was there a few years ago and have tremendously nice images from the trip.  This is one shot near the base of a still active glacier looking down the valley that the glacier once occupied.  The small puddle of water on the rock kind of sets a nice foreground for the distant valley.  If I remember this was shot with a P45+.

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Norway Sunset

Norway - Sunset

I haven’t published images from Norway for a while.  Norway is one of those unknown but very beautiful countries. Waterfalls, fiords, valleys and magnificent landscapes are all over the place.  This shot was made at sunset over a lake and a valley carved out by a glacier a long time ago.  Shot with a Phase One P45+.  I want to go back with my 80 megapixel IQ180 and shoot there.

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Subtle Antelope

Antelope Canyon

Antelope Canyon, is a magical place.  I have published other Antelope images on the forum here before.  Today’s shot I like because it is more subtle, not as contrasty.  You could spend days in the slot canyons and not catch every possible angle.  Seeing the right shot can be difficult though.  Put this place on your must see place.

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Miami Beach

Miami Beach

I have said many times when I visit a city, I like to see it and shoot it. Miami is no exception.  I got up prior to dawn and strolled the Miami Beach area.  Interesting place that early in the morning.  All sorts of interesting and sometimes scary people out there.  I took this shot as I liked the colors and geometry f the image.  Done with a P45+ and a 350mm lens on a Contax.

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I’m Back More to Less

Big Bend NAtional Park, Texas

As you have noticed I have been absent for a few days.  I just had surgery to my knee and shoulder.  It has really town me for a loop to say the least.  The knee seems to be heeling well.  I am getting around slowly.  The shoulder is very sore and in a  sling which makes typing and such difficult.  It will be a lengthy recovery but hopefully I’ll use my shoulder again.  Pain pills and taking it easy with lots of ice packs seems to be working.  Today I am going back to work again and also doing a blog post which I hope to get on track again.  Today’s image was shot with a P45+ in Beg Bend National PArk and then I played with it a bit in SnapSeed on my iPad.  If you get a chance visit Big Bend.  It’s a huge National Park out of the way and not visited by many.

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Zion National Park

One of my favorite National Parks is Zion.  Located within driving distance of Las Vegas. It’s a canyon type of park with high walls and lowlands as well some other special areas.  A must see park in the fall.  Around November 1st they allow cars to drive through and then you can explore to your hearts content.  This show is of one of the canyon ways just teaming with color and detail.  Taken with a P65+ the detail has to be seen in a big print to be really appreciated.


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Slot Canyon

Antelope Canyon - Page, AZ

Everyone has photos of Antelope Canyon, Page, AZ.  I wanted to try to make mine different.  These slot canyons are all over the place in the Southwest but Antelope is one of the more famous.  Quite an experience to visit.  Hard to photograph because of the tourists and it is very dark.  I used a P45+ from Phase One and some of my exposures were over 10 minutes long.  Patience is needed to shoot successfully and what you see in the picture is not necessarily what you see in the viewfinder.  This is one of the most see places.

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Another People Shot

A good friend commented to me yesterday how much she liked my Irish man photo.  She said I should photograph more people and show them on my blog.  So, I’ll try to show more people pictures.  This image is a fisherman from Newfoundland.  I did a few years ago but it is a nice images and a great face.  I got to thinking that I will do better at taking pictures of people.

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Another Big Sky

Simply Palouse

This a beautifully simple image from the Palouse area of Washington.  I love this area so much that I am leading a photography workshop there in August.  We have 25 attendees with three world class instructors.  Check out for for information about this workshop and others.  what you see here is what you get there.  No defined areas to shoot just a lot of great back roads and rolling hills and such.