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Door, Door, Window

Door, Door Window, San Miguel, Mexico

On my trip a few weeks ago to Mexico we did things different and shot a lot of ruins.  Mexico just doesn’t have that big broad landscape.  So I concentrated on looking for angles and layers in a scene.  This shoot of two doorways and window works well for that.  Photographed at a very old silver mine.  Building were amazing as well as the light.   I like things straight and balanced and worked hard to align everything in this shot to work properly.  This was shot with a Phase One IQ180

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Big Boy Big Wheel

Big Wheel, from a steam locomotive, Snowqualimie, WA

I love things with rust and I love thing engineered by man.  I marvel at the way someone can design something on paper and then be made into a machine that works.  This si a shot of a steam locomotive made in Snoqualimie, WA.  I shot here for an hour isolating several things going in close and far away.  Looking for the right balance of the elements to make a shot.  This image is one that works for me.

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Everyone Loves Penguins

Busy Penguin

Today is the start of a great Sunday.  Going out shooting somewhere today.  This is the kind of day I just load my Jeep Cherokee with a tripod and cameras and start driving.  what will I find?  Where will I go?  Who knows.  As far as the picture for the day, well it is a penguin.  I came across this one when updating the new iPad.  Though it would be fun.  I have hundreds of penguin shots and I love them.  These little guys are always busy and seem to have a  mission.  This guy was off and running somewhere, totally focused on his mission.

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Dirty Glacier

Glacier in Alaska

Funny, I always thought that glaciers were supposed to be all white and nice looking.  Apparently not.  This is a glacier in Alaska.  I loved the dirt in the ice as well as the mountains in the background.  Glacier and ice just fascinate me.  They are ever changing and from all the glaciers I have sen in the last few years, they are disappearing fast.

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Today It’s Rocks

Rock Formation, Big Bend, TX

After posting a very popular image from yesterday of an Iceberg, I though I would go another direction and put up some cool rocks.  There were shot in Big Bend National park an number of years ago.  There were some great formations there.  I likes the way the rooks seemed to be piled as if god was just having fun stacking them in certain spots.  This formation I like with the sky, shadow and look.


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Ice and Iceberg

Iceberg, Antarctica

This iceberg has long since melter.  As we traveled through Antarctica we would come upon icebergs like this and we would ask our russian captain if he would circle the bergs so we could photograph it from all angles and he usually complied.  I liked this one because of the sky and blues as well as ice flow in front.  It also looks great in B&W.


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Woman In San Miguel

Woman Begging in San Miguel, Mexico

This has been an incredible week with the PODAS workshop.  I head home today only to leave on Wednesday for Scotland.  I tend to move around a lot.  One of the things that is fun to do is shoot what we photographers term street photography and San Miguel is perfect for this.  So much going on.  This shot was made near the ATM machine of a woman who is obviously begging.  You see this a lot in Mexico.  Sad.  I composed quickly got a few shots off and then made sure to give her some Pesos.  The power is the face, and out reached hand.  More images will be coning from this trip as I have time to work on them.

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Wall, Cactus, Window and a Tree

Cactus wall, San Miguel Mexico

I am still in San Miguel, Mexico and we have had a great PODAS workshop.  It’s always fun to lead a workshop like this.  I make new friends and get to photograph with some really great people.  This workshop was different because instead of photographing the big expansive landscapes we were shooting ruins, streets and such.  Totally different but with some fantastic results.  It’s fun to change the game.  This si a shot made at an old silver mine.  This was a fantastic place to visit.  We had a local on this workshop who knew people who knew other people and we were able to go where many people don’t go.  This shot I liked because of the awl, with a giant cactus in from and then how about a tree in the window.  I’ll try to post another image later today.

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Doorways Of San Miguel

Church Doorway, San Miguel, Mexico

Kind of hard to blog when I am running a PODAS Photography workshop. I am leading a group of Phase One users on a PODAS workshop in San Miguel Mexico.  We are having a great time with intensive photography excursions broken up with time for sharing, laughing and enjoying our passion of photography.  Visit the PODAS blog to follow everything that we do on this workshop. I’ll do my best to add entries when I can. Todays image is a doorway of a church outside of San Miguel.