A while back I got to try out the Phase One 100 MP digital back on some locations around Indianapolis. One of those locations was the Masonic Lodge. This is a beautifully contracted building of stone on the outside and magnificent ornate wood construction on the inside. I was able to shoot all over the building. This image, though, was one of my favorites. It’s several images stitched together to cover the immense size of the auditorium. Exposure was tricky too but the Phase One camera’s dynamic range handled it well. Enjoy.
Slot Canyons
I am really beginning to feel the effects of cabin fever. I usually travel a few weeks each month when we were normal. It’s been over 15 months since I last put a foot in an airplane. I start to travel in June with a 2 week workshop and I can’t even tell you how excited I am to get back out there. Meanwhile, I can look back at my files and think about the days when I went where ever I wanted whenever I wanted. These images are from the Slot Canyons in Page, AZ. They will be from the Upper and Lower Antelope canyons. The light poking its way into these canyons is so beautiful and has its own way to make these places magical.
Missing Fun In Antarctic
Lonely Fisherman
This was made a while back. I was with my friends Chris, Michael, and a few others on what we call a mancation. It was in Newfoundland, Canada and we went out for a whale watching tour. While we found a whale and did get some good images it was this image that I liked the best. We went by a lone fisherman and it just lined up perfectly for the shot you see here.
Thank You.
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If you are interested in seeing more work by Kevin Raber and purchasing his work for your own, please visit RaberEYES.com
Kevin also runs workshops for photographers all over the world at Rockhopper Workshops
Kevin also has. a major website for all photography enthusiasts with articles, forums, tutorials, community, and more at photoPXL.com
Bridgeton Revisited With The Phase One XT
Bridgeton, IN is a special place. It has a covered bridge, waterfall and a grist mill. Combine it with a dramatic sky and it lends itself to a great testing ground for the Phase One XT camera system. The Phase One XT is a sort of a technical camera with a number of cool features. One of those is Frame Averaging. This feature allows for the camera to do the work of a neutral density filter. I never realized just how cool this feature was until I used it and instantly became addicted to it. The method is pretty simple. First you pick an exposure and focus the way you want it for a single exposure. Once you have an image that works for you it’s time to choose what timing you want of a long exposure. You may want a 20 second exposure to get a nice blur to water or clouds or even a longer one for more dramatic results. For me, I take a number of various timed exposures and then choose what works best. Eventually you get good at figuring things out for desired exposures.
These are two images one straight exposure and one for a two minute plus exposure. I’ll have lots more to say about this in a future article on photoPXL.com in the near future.
Kevin Raber
March 28,2021
Please Visit . . .
If you are interested in seeing more work by Kevin Raber and purchasing his work for your own, please visit RaberEYES.com
Kevin also runs workshops for photographers all over the world at Rockhopper Workshops
Kevin also has. a major website for all photography enthusiasts with articles, forums, tutorials, community and more at photoPXL.com
Kevin also shares his work daily on Facebook and Instagram
Remembering Tuscany
I miss traveling and by now I must sound like a broken record. A few years ago I visited Tuscany while leading a workshop there with Art Wolfe. Here are a select few images showing just how colorful Tuscany is.
Please Visit . . .
If you are interested in seeing more work by Kevin Raber and purchasing his work for your own, please visit RaberEYES.com
Kevin also runs workshops for photographers all over the world at Rockhopper Workshops
Kevin also has. a major website for all photography enthusiasts with articles, forums, tutorials, community and more at photoPXL.com
I Photographed Eagles
I am not a very good bird photographer. I know a number of my friends who excel at bird photography. While in Japan leading a workshop in 2019 I gave some bird photography a try. I had some good results. Today I am much better as I have a Sony a9 (soon to be a1) That focuses so fast and shoots for many frames a second that I would have to be an idiot not to get a good shot. These were shot with a Fuji XT4 and 100-400mmm lens. The Fuji while good nowhere compares to my Sonys. No matter what though it was shooting these.
Valparaiso Doors – With Video
There is a city in Chile that is about a two-hour drive from Santiago called Valparaiso. It’s a great name as there is a city here in Indiana named the some. Valparaiso in Chile is a city built on a number of hills. It’s. port city and until the Panama canal opened up years ago it was one of the busiest ports in South America. It’s also known now as a city of graffiti. Essentially the whole city is a street art gallery that graffiti artists have made a joy to walk through. I have added some images here for you to enjoy. I also have a video of my visit to Valparaiso that is fun to watch. You can find the video The Streets Of Valparaiso HERE
Please Visit . . .
If you are interested in seeing more work by Kevin Raber and purchasing his work for your own, please visit RaberEYES.com
Kevin also runs workshops for photographers all over the world at Rockhopper Workshops
Kevin also has. a major website for all photography enthusiasts with articles, forums, tutorials, community and more at photoPXL.com
Kevin also shares his work daily on Facebook and Instagram
The Bottleworks hotel
For years there was an abandoned industrial complex where Coke used to have a bottling plant. The architecture was gothic and the buildings had beautiful ceramic-like facades. For a while, the city of Indianapolis used it as a bus depot. Then it was bought by developers several years ago to turn it into a new city destination spot. Mission accomplished as it is now opening up and attracting a lot of traffic. These images focus on the hotel part of the project, Bottleworks Hotel. Enjoy!