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The Tower Bridge

As a photographer, one of the most frustrating things, especially in the social media times we are in is coming up with an image of an iconic place that hasn’t been done before.  This challenge is also a good one for our everyday photography endeavors.  On a trip to London, I spent a day walking the city.  This is one of the images that I made to show an iconic location differently.  I looked up and thought it would compose well as a square and then used the square format to compose the image.

In post-processing, I converted the image to BW and then added the frame using Topaz Studio.

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A Sunday​ Drive

Down An Indiana Country Road

It was a rainy day and my friend and fellow photographer Rad Drew and I headed out to see what we could find. Many photogrpahers would have looked at the weather and would have said screw it I am staying home. But, not us. We headed north from my home and just started driving. We would get to an area that looked promising and then we would just start driving the backrooads.

This image is one from that day. I shot it with my Fuji XT-2 and then after editing it in Capture One, I imported it into my iPad. There I used Snapseed and enhanced it further with texture and tonality. From there I exported onto my iMac Pro and then into Photoshop where I used Topaz studio and the digital frame adjustment to add teh frame. It may seem like a lot of work but in reality it was pretty quick.

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The Magic Of Iceland

Iceland is a magical and special place for me. I stared visiting Iceland in 2004 before it was even on an instagram or tourist radar. Now the country thrives on the tourism income but is has made the place very crowded. There are still magical places to visit and I know a lot of them. This os one of those. It was amde after a short climb and then waitig for the light. The whispy clouds, sunset and moon rise all made a speacial shot.

I am planning on offering tours to Ic3land again in 2021. Information will be on Rockhopperworkshops. Check out the site for other locations and dates forupcoming workshops.

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Leica Headquarters

Leica Headquarters, wetzler, germany

I spent a week at Leica Headquarters a year or so ago making a video on the Leica Story. If you are not aware Leica is one of most Wel known camera brands in the world. Their products are some of the highest quality products in the industry and their prices are some of the highest too. Their brand the RED dot as seen on the building is kegendary.

To do this image I used a Leica M10 and then in Luminar added some effects and the digital frame. I like the glow of the building and feel it makes the building stand out. There is another shot I’ll publish soon done in the stairway of this building. So, keep your eyes out for that.

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We Are Back

Iceberg On The Beach

We have been away for a while trying to get our feet on the ground after being let go from If you aren’t aware of it the whole team from the old LuLa site have moved on. We were quite disappointed not to mention surprised at what happened. But, never fear we have decided to create a new website and do it bigger and better than before. This doesn’t come without a lot of time and effort and we are pretty focused on getting the new site launched. Please visit and sign up to be notified when we launch our new site.

In the meantime, we are also working hard on launching new workshops for 2020 and 2021 with

Presently we have 4 berths that have become available for our 2202 Antarctica trip and 4 spots available for Palouse the Harvest. We are also well into the planning stages for 2020 and 2021 with Iceland, Faroe Islands, Africa and more. So stay tuned.

I’ll do my best to keep things flowing better on this site now that we are back in real operational mode. Thanks for stopping by.

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State Fair Fun

The Indiana State fair is one of the best places to do photography.  There are so many interesting people, activties and color.  During the day at the fair I shoot everything I see.  Then at night the tripod comes out and it’s time to do long expsoures like the one shown here. This is one of the rides shot at 10 seconds to get the blurry movement look.

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It’s Been Too Long

I have committed a terrible thing by not keeping this site up to date.  My apologies.  Things sort of got away from me and I am trying to come in for a landing after a super busy summer of teaching workshops and travel.  So, I will do my best to get things back on track staring today.

Todays’ image was made in Torre Del Pines in Argentina.  We stopped for some fuel and here was this backetball hoop attached to this beautifyl wall. It was shot with an iPhone and enhnaced using Snapseed.

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Open House Tonight and Tomorrow at RaberEYES

Once a year as part of an Indianapolis tradition to kick off Race Month The Stutz has an open house.  The Stutz is a large 4 story building occupying a full block in downtown Indianapolis.  The building quite unique and special.  There are nearly 100 artists, photographers, and high-end startup companies in the building.  The last weekend in the month of April the Stutz opens its door to thousands of visitors on Friday night and Saturday afternoon.  It’s not only a big party with live music and lots of different refreshments but also a chance to visit the 60 plus artist studios that will be open that night.  My studio is one of those and we show off hundreds of images that I have taken all over this great planet.  It’s a great time to stop by and say hi as well as shop for some of my photography at very, very special prices during the show.  You’ll have a blast.  You can enjoy homemade Sangria as well as Philly Pretzels too.  So, mark your calendar and come visit.

The hours are 5-10 PM on Friday and 1 – 6 PM on Saturday.  Location is 1060 N. Capitol Ave, Suite C-375, Indianapolis, IN.

Hope we can see you there.

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Ship Wreck In Punta Arenas

I’m in Punta Arenas now (Jan. 31st) getting ready to fly out to Antarctica for a trip going south of the polar circle.  It’s a great trip and one always full of surprises.  while in Punta Arenas I like to vsit two different areas, the water front and the grave yard.  This was done on the waterfron abouta. mile outside of town.  This ship must have grounded itself there many years ago as each time I come here it is still here.

I shot this iamge from the top of the hill with a long lens to get a tight shot.  I love shooting tight and seeing the world in a different perspective.