I love going to all the great places that I can to photography. What I don’t like is airports and airplanes and the process of getting there. Today I start out my journey to New Zealand to host a Phase One PODAS workshop there. I start my journey in Indinapolis and fly to Detroit, from there to Los Angeles and then to Sydney and from sydney to Queenstown, NZ. That’s a lot of hours in planes and airports. I have done it before and will do it many times again. the iPad is loaded with books, magazines and TV shows I can catch up on. I have special drugs mixed with a view glasses of wine that will make time travel faster. And, fortunately I usually get off the plane and forget that I juts took the trip. It’s all worth it especially in NZ because I’ll shoot so many great places. So stay tuned, I’ll update the images here as often as I can.