Well it’s been a few weeks since my surgery and I just had to get out of the house. Not being able to lift a camera has been driving me crazy too. I will recover and get my strength in my shoulder back, but there comes a time where you just have to take some steps. On Sunday I ventured out with my friend Debra and we took a journey south and found some fall colors and waterfalls. The day was just perfect and the colors were just hitting peak. I ended up shooting the iPhone left handed. Yeah, pretty pathetic considering I wanted to shoot the big boy IQ180 the whole time. In any case I was able to get some nice images. Here is one. And as a bonus, I got to visit with my youngest son Scott in Bloomington. He’s looking good!
I am still recovering from the rotator cuff injury and the most frustrating thing is I can’t lift a camera. I am going out for a drive today to shoot and I will use my iPhone. The picture above was shot with an iPhone and then jazzed up a bit on my iPad. It’s of a statue ( community art) in my town Carmel, IN. It’s just a fun shot showing how with cropping and some playing with camera angle you can come up with an unusual shot.
I have been looking at this image for a long time and it just keeps hitting me as a strong shot. Taken in San Miguel, Mexico while strolling the streets doing some street photography. The expression, clothing, color and light works well.
In 1984 I watched in awe as Apple introduced the Macintosh. Who will ever forget the first Macintosh ad. Ever since then I have bought nothing but Apple products and invested in the company. Yesterday was a sad day as the news of Steve Jobs death spread over the internet. Steve was a lot of things and he was a rare individual who had a vision and he followed it relentlessly. His ideals were so simple yet so defining.
While this day was not a huge surprise as we all knew it was coming, it was however the finality of it that hit me hard. It has affected me today and I find that difficult. Steve has inspired me with many of his quotes and ideas. What I find the best at this time is quoted below. He was a visionary not only about his products but also his approach to life and death.
“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs
Thanks Steve for all you have done, how you have made a difference in my life and for sharing your vision . . .
I though the image above was a fitting tribute to this fine man.
Antelope Canyon, is a magical place. I have published other Antelope images on the forum here before. Today’s shot I like because it is more subtle, not as contrasty. You could spend days in the slot canyons and not catch every possible angle. Seeing the right shot can be difficult though. Put this place on your must see place.
I have said many times when I visit a city, I like to see it and shoot it. Miami is no exception. I got up prior to dawn and strolled the Miami Beach area. Interesting place that early in the morning. All sorts of interesting and sometimes scary people out there. I took this shot as I liked the colors and geometry f the image. Done with a P45+ and a 350mm lens on a Contax.
It seems that when you visit Antarctica you can point your camera in almost any direction and take a great photo. It is an overwhelming landscape. This shot was taken during one of the three hour sunsets and encompasses much of what i know Antarctica to be. Water, ice, icebergs and exceptional light.
It’s fun to make images that make you stop and look twice. Something to exercise the mind as it searches for a definition of what it is seeing. This image is kind of like that. What is it? What do you see? The answer- it’s shot from the top floor balcony of Water Tower Place in Chicago looking down an an atrium like setting. Kind of cool isn’t it?
I needed a dose of peeling paint. Everyone knows I love peeling paint and rust. This is a peeling paint shot made with a Phase One P65+ inside a railroad car. Random and colorful. I will do a book someday on all the peeling paint shots I have.
I have been spending a lot of time with an ice pack around my shoulder later as I mend from surgery. Each day is getting a bit better. So, while sitting I use my iPad and sometimes mess around with images. Here is one I found from several years ago that I played with in SnapSeed. Enjoy.