I love Denmark and especially in Copenhagen. It’s one of the coolest cities in Europe and I have made dozens of trips there. One place I always enjoy visiting is the round tower. If I have my facts right a long time ago a Danish King wanted to have a tower he could drive his carriage up to with his wife to oversee the city. So, he built this tower with a circular roadway made of cobblestones that he could drive his carriage up. I guess things are a bit different today. I love walking up this tower and when you get to the top there is a 360-degree view of the city. If you visit Copenhagen make sure to do this attraction.
Tag: Copenhagen
On The Street

I love doing may kinds of photography. I am most happy doing landscape photography, where I can take my time to compose the image and wait for just the right moment of light. I enjoy doing portraits, where I can try different posing and lighting to come out with unique images. Street photography is different altogether and in many cases not understood by many. I love wandering the streets of my hometown as well as the cities I visit. For me, street photography catches the moment, light and life on the street.
I am excited because this coming week I receive the new Fuji X Pro 3 camera which should be ideal for working the streets. I’ll report back after I have some time with this app. These images today were taken in various locations The photo of the couple in front of the sphere was done in Chicago. The man with the violin was made in Copenhagen. This guy is such a good violin player and he strolls the streets in Copenhagen playing at restaurants and parks. He always has a violin case of cash that people donated to him. The image with the man and woman walking was made in Las Vegas. LasVegas, by the way, is a very rich city to shoot street work. I love the shadows, the seriousness of their walk and then the little upside-down plywood cutout behind them.
I hope you like these. Look for more soon.
Round Tower In Copenhagen

I was in Copenhagen about a month ago to see a new camera launch. While there I played tourist and walked the city. I visited many of my favorite locations. The Round Tower is one of those places. This tower was apparently built by some king hundreds of years ago so he could drive his carriage up the tower and look out on the city. I guess he was too lazy to climb stairs. The wide roadway in the tower as well as the light spilling in the windows makes this a great place to find an interesting image. This was an iPhone shot.
Reflections Of Copenhagen

One of my favorite cities to visit is Copenhagen. There is so much to like, such as great foo, super friendly people and a unique charm unlike any other city. I absolutely love walking the city and taking pictures. I usually leave a day just for this activity when doing business there. The shot above was made photographing a reflection in one of the canals. You always have tone looking. It’s amazing what is right in front of us.
iPhone Fun
iPhone Is A Camera Too

Sometimes when traveling I just want to have fun taking photos. A year ago I was n Copenhagen on business and I took an early morning walk. How could I resist as it was very foggy and that makes for some interesting images. While I had my big boy camera with me, I thought I would try some shots with Hipstamatic and the iPhone. How cool! This is one of those images of a woman walking through the square where the royal family lives. her red hair, the fog and the design in the bricks makes this shot work.
Reflections Of Color

I love shooting in citys and I like to do what we photographers would call street photography. I shot this image in Copenhagen walking the streets. I looked into a canal which I was walking along and the light and colors were creating amazing reflections. I took this shot after a Kayaker had just past and the water was still in a ripple effect. Almost like a painting.
Christiania Copenhagen

Copenhagen as you know from reading my previous posts is one of my favorite cities to visit. So much to do, and some real good culture. I love shooting photos there. Christiania is a part of Copenhagen that was taken over by for lack of better words hippies many years ago. It was an old Army base that is now a counter culture area of the city. It is fun to visit and there is a lot of color. This image was made in the stairwell of one of the buildings leading up to a restaurant. I saw the window with graffiti and had to shoot it.
An Excellent Week In Copenhagen Continues

This has been a intense week in Denmark with a lot being accomplished business wise with Phase One. In between work I do find sometime to take pictures and I have quite a selection of colorful and nice images I am collecting. Copenhagen waterfront is a real nice place to visit. There are all sorts of boats and a unique charm and mix of building. Here is one classic shot a sailboat and a tugboat. Shot on an iPhone on the way to dinner.