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Abstract Bow

Abstract svalbard

I am always looking for the picture in the picture.  This is a photo of an old beached boat on a beach in Svalbard.  What I like to od is shoot the picture of the larger subject (the boat) itself then go in close and start to look for new compositions.  Sometimes I use a long lens like the 100-400nn lens.  In this shot, I saw the bow of the ship as it’s own abstract photo.  I moved back a bit and zoomed in with the telephoto lens to compress the image a bit.  Then I shot it.  At first, if you see the images you might not know what it is.  This forces the viewer to stop for a minute to figure it out. Some people may not even figure it out.  I like this subject as it has a lot of things I like, such as rust and peeling paint.  Enjoy.

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Dash With Class

One of the things I love doing in the Palouse is exploring and photographing abandoned cars and trucks.  They seem to be everywhere.  It seems they all have their stories.  One day someone parked the vehicle and just left it there never to return.  I like to document the curves and textures as seen in some of my previous posts.  This image today is of an old pickup truck dashboard shot with my Sony 100-400mm lens.  I like using long lenses for images that some wouldn’t think of using a long lens for.  The thing that I love most is peeling p[aint.  I don’t know where this comes from but it is fun to see how time and nature change as well as reclaims things.


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Up Close

Walrus Close Up, Svalbard

Lately, I have been enjoying doing a lot of long lens photography, specifically with the 100-400 Sony GM lens.  Thus, when I am on workshops that I run and have the chance to shoot wildlife, I work hard at getting extreme close-ups like this image.  This was made in Svalbard of these wonderful walrus.  I used a high shutter speed to capture the water, which I think adds to the picture.




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Penguin Highways In Antarctica

Penguin Highway

One of the great things about visiting Antarctica is seeing all the wildlife.  It’s hard to believe all the wildlife that lives in such a hostile environment.  And, of course, one of those creatures are penguins. Who doesn’t like a penguin?  This shot was made from a zodiac looking at a beach where penguins were coming out of the surf and climbing a hill to their rookery.  Penguins follow the same paths much time making what is called Penguin Highways.  I like the whole abstract feel and look.

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I Am A Walrus

Walrus in Svlabard on ice

I will be doing Svalabrd Photo Tours for 2020 and 2021.  These are amazing trips and you get to see beautiful polar region scenes but more than anything else expereince majestic wildlife.  You’ll see birds, whales, Polar Bears and Walrus like I have shown here.

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Mighty Polar Bear

I’m all about Polar Bears.  I have been photographing them for years mainly in Svlabard, Norway.  This ismage was made from a. Zodiac while tracking the bear along the shore line.  II’m heading to Russia this summer to a new location to see if I can photograph a lot of bears with cubs.  These animals are in extreme danger due to climate change.

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Japanese Owls

Owls, Hokkaido, Japan

A few months ago I visited Hokkaido, Japan to lead a small workshop of photographers.  it was a great experience and I have to say Hokkaido is an amazingly beautiful region.  I look forward to returning someday in the future.  This image was made with the Fuji Xt3 and 100-400mm lens with a 1.4 extender on it.

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Ship Wreck In Punta Arenas

I’m in Punta Arenas now (Jan. 31st) getting ready to fly out to Antarctica for a trip going south of the polar circle.  It’s a great trip and one always full of surprises.  while in Punta Arenas I like to vsit two different areas, the water front and the grave yard.  This was done on the waterfron abouta. mile outside of town.  This ship must have grounded itself there many years ago as each time I come here it is still here.

I shot this iamge from the top of the hill with a long lens to get a tight shot.  I love shooting tight and seeing the world in a different perspective.

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Bryce Sunrise

It’s been several years since I had been to Bryce Canyon National Park.  I visited Bryve back in the fall and just now I’m really getting a chnce to edit and work my images.  I like to photograph Bryce with long lenses.  I have done way too many postcard shots of Bryce.  So, I set my tripod up and put on a 100-400mm lens on my Sony a7r III and started to search through the viewfinder.  The landscape would change as the sun would rise and shadows and light would dance.  It was  great and I had a chance to make some real nice expsoures.  This is one of them.