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Door Number ONE

Door Number One

I was having with my iPhone on a recent trip to Saugatuck, MI and stumbled upon this abandoned hotel.  Each door was painted a different color.  Someone with some imagination could thell this property had potential.  I did some overall shots and panos but this shot floated to the top.  Simple, the growth out from, door not centered.  It just works.

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Iceland Just A Few Days Off

Black sand and Icebergs, Iceland

I just got back at 3AM last night from Arizona doing the prep work for the November PODAS workshop – Monuments and Canyons.  I’ll share more when we launch the details soon.  On Monday I leave for a nary two week trip in Iceland.  I am leading a PODAS workshop there and we will have a spectacular time and with 21 hours of daylight we’ll be shooting and not sleeping.  Todays photo was made on a beach where icebergs wash up.  It’s really quite a sight to see.  Look for more and follow the workshop as we blog it at the link HERE.

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Monument Valley Classic

Classic Monument Valley

I am winding my trip down in AZ and heading home tomorrow.  I have a few more meetings today to arrange hotels and back country tours then I am home.  Sunday I will be attending Art Wolfe’s program in Chicago.  Art is a good friend and one of the finest outdoor photographers on the plane.  His talks are truly inspiring.  Art has taught on PODAS workshops and will be featured on a few terrific ones for 2012.  Today shot was made in Monument Valley on the loop road at sunset.  Just a crazy place to be when the light starts to change.

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Another Canyon Shot

Upper Antelope Canyon, Page,AZ

Damn, I am having fun with yesterday’s images.  Shot a ton with my Phase One IQ 180 camera.  That’s 80 megapixel shots of the canyon. Incredible detail.  Here is another shot done in the canyon with rays.  The place was very busy so getting good images meant lots of patience.  Long exposures, dusty environment.  But such beautiful light.

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Magic Light

God Rays, Upper Antelope Canyon, Page, AZ

I am out in Arizona working on the details for a November PODAS workshop.  It will include the Monument Valley area and Slot Canyons of Page, AZ.  Today I spent some time in Upper Antelope canyon shooting and checking it out.  There are two canyons upper and lower and both are great places for photos.  On the workshop not only will we spend time in each of these but we also visit some canyons that you only can see if you know the right people.  The same goes for Monument Valley.  I’ll post information about this workshop when I have all the details.  This is just one cool image with sun rays shooting to the canyon floor.  I have a lot of keepers from today.

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Monument Valley Classic

Classic Monument Valley

Monument Valley located in Southern Utah and bordering on the AZ line.  A Navajo reservation with some absolutely spectacular natural stone formations.  There are many ways to see this magnificent place.  There are tours and a 14 mile road you can drive yourself and stop along the way.  Or, you can take a PODAS photography workshop and experience with the best instructors and cameras there are.  I’ll be posting a few more images over the next few days.

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Big Boat

Great Lakes Steamer, Saugatuck, MI

This is a B&W shot of an old Great Lakes Steamer.  It has been in Saugatuck, MI for what seems forever.  It’s rusting and falling apart.  On June 4th they are moving this boat to a new location in Canada and will be restoring it.  That will be quite a site as it is towed out the river.  Wish I could be there, but I will be in Iceland.

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Pilgrims Bed

Pilgrims Bed, Mexico

On my recent trip to Mexico I had the opportunity to visit a church not too far from San Miguel where there was a pilgrimage of about 1000 men.  They come to this church for a week of worship.  They all sleep there and everyone sets up a sleeping area like you see above.  Pretty amazing place and some great images were made there.