I can’t get enough of this amazing location. Here is an image of Castle Stalker in Scotland at sunset.
When I show friends my images of Scotland they can’t believe it as ,pst of the time in Scotland it is grey and cloudy and dull. I had a week of incredible light last year and I took full advantage of it. Here is an image made at surmise with a lake that was mirror flat. It was an beautiful morning with splendid images.
While my friend Steve Gosling and I toured the Isle Of Skye area in Scotland we came upon a small visiting pier and village. we both went off in different directions. This one shot I made of a boat on the beck. It looked best cropped square (thanks Steve). Shot with an Olympus OMD 5.
One thing I loved about Scotland is the castles. They were everywhere. Seems back in the olden days you had to make sure you could defend your home from nasty neighbors. This castle sits on an island and can only e reached by boat at high tide. Otherwise it is just mud at low tide. There was a small road that became visible at low tide leading to the castle. We lucked out though as we photographed here twice and spectacular sunsets each time. The hard part is keeping detail in the castle while not burning out the sky. I’ll teach you how that is done if you attend one of or LuLa workshops.
This is one of those iconic images of Scotland. It’s the famous Black Cottage. There is always a photographer or two there shooting this little cottage. They key is getting it at the right time of say with light and clouds. And, as was the norm for this trip to Scotland everything fell into place on the third try. This is a hrs place to shoot and requires a bit of post processing work to balance foreground and background and make it all look good. I have a large print of this and it is stunning. Shot on a Phase One IQ180 it has amazing detail.
So, as you can see I have been working on my Scotland images this past week. I’ll be doing another trip to Scotland in the fall of 2014 to lead a workshop to Skye. This was actually shot in Scotland and is of a side of a fishing shack that my friend Steve Gosling and I stumbled upon. There was peeling paint, moss, and rust. All the ingredients that I need to satisfy my photographic desires. Sometimes something simple like this just works.
It’s not too often when you see a movie that you expect that you will actually one day photograph something that was in the movie. This image is of the Hogwarts Train shot in Loch Shiel, Scotland. The bridge is known as Glenfinnan Viaduct. This was made with a Phase One IQ180 digital back on an ALPA STC camera. The detail in the large image I have made is astounding.
While exploring Svalbard Norway this past August our expedition landed on a beach that had a beached wooden boat on it. The skies were grey and there was kind of an erie feel. I spent a while shooting this boat and this is one of my favorite images. Kind of tells its own story.