This was another image done at the Glacial Lagoon in Iceland. The sun was just right to create God Rays. Simple and effective.
This image was shot yesterday. The building is the Carmel (indiana) Perform Arts Center or Palladium as it is known. It’s a big new building that is quite nice and very expensive. None the less I have fun shooting it. On the way back from the store I pulled in and did a quick pano with my iPhone. Assembled it and like magic with PhotoStream it was on my iPad. I then worked the image a bit in a couple of apps to come up with this. Just a fun day and a bit of fun time messing around.
A very picture worthy National Park is Bryce where this image was taken. It’s not an overly large park and there aren’t a lot of places to shoot compared to other parks but there places there are at the right time of the year will reward you greatly. There are numerous overlooks where you can get terrific sunrise and sunset shots. Shooting mid-day there is pointless. Also, if you come at the time of year when it is cold enough and you awake to a light dusting of snow the park just turns into a fairytale land. Be sure to take hikes and find places where the normal tourist won’t venture. Your images will be different and much more rewarding. LINK TO BRYCE NPS
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.
I’ll keep this entry short as there is so much to do to get ready for the Raber Christmas Morning. All of my boys are here with one wife and one significant other. Going to be a fun day. After gifts and a brunch I will start preparing the traditional (Raber) dinner of Beef Wellingtom, Potatoes, Waldorf Salad, String Bean Almonde, with a beautiful chocolate chip cake for dessert.
Todays picture was made in the Olympic National Park which is just beautiful. Deep in the woods I found this tree and it was catching just a hint of the sunlight coming through. Simple and works. Shot with a Phase One P65+
Good day, hope you are ready for Holiday cheer. Two of my bus and their wive and girlfriend arrived last night. My third son will be here today. Going to be a great weekend and Christmas. This shot was made on one of my three trips to Antarctica. It is in Deception BAy. THis is actually a collapsded volcano and it is really hard to get into. The place is huge and beautiful with an old whaling station on it. Very seldom do you find a crystal clear day like the one I did this picture on. I just love Antarctica and I am working on organizing a Photo expedition there in 2013.
This shot was made in Iceland at the Glacier Lagoon. I used a long lens on my 5dII to shoot elements of the ice. Tight shots of ice using the telephoto to compress the perspective together. It was amazing what you saw as a frame when doing this vs. what the overall scene looked like. I enjoy using the camera frame to isolate images. I do this both with the telephoto lens and macro lens doing close ups.
I love doing what is called street photography. This is a form of photography where you walk the streets and shoot pictures of things that are happening. while in new Zealand I received a NEW Fuji x100 which is kind of the old classic rangefinder camera in digital. This makes absolute no noise so it is easy to walk down the street and see something and shoot it with out a lot of fuss. Here is one of the street shot images from Queenstown, NZ. Just a man in the window with a glass of wine.
Close by to where I live there is a transportation museum. This museum is mainly focused on trains. There are a lot there. Most of them rusty and falling apart. I just love that. They do a fair amount of restoration on these trains and have a special building just for that. It is fun to shoot there and catch restorations in progress which is what this shot is all about. Made with a Canon 5dII in multi expose mode then using an HDR program I made it the gritty look. Then on the iPad using SnapSeed I worked on focus and some selective color to come out with this image.