One of the things that are special about the Palouse is what I call the big sky. The sky is part of the Palouse and many times actually becomes the focus of the image. Whether the skies are blue with puffy clouds or dark and gray with an approaching storm, they are always special.
Tag: storm
Black and White Just Works

Sometimes you are shooting a scene or environment that is just made for Black and white. The picture today was just that. Shot on October 2, 2012 in the ice Fields of the Canadian Rockies. The weather was changing every second. Winds, cold, snow. It was so cold my iPhone shut down. Camera kept working though. I shot this image and processed it in Capture One. Capture One has such great features for holding shadow detail and highlight detail. I printed it on the darker side because it matches the true darkness of the time it was shot. Hope you like it.
You Can See For Miles

This is hot from one of the many overlooks in Canyonlands National Park, UT. I love exploring this area and it is only a short trip from Moab. If you hit it right and catch storms in the background, you’ll be blessed with incredible light and clouds. I hit it on a lucky day. Shot with an IQ camera on a ALPA Camera.
Storms and Ice

Antarctica when it gets mean is really mean. Here you can see a storm approaching and giant icebergs in the foreground. Taking pictures in Antarctica is an amazing experience. Photo rich environment doesn’t come close. Dynamic ever changing. This image was shot with a long lens 200mm on a Canon 5dII.
Some Where In Australia

This shot I found while going through my digital albums and I would have by passed it most likely but I kept coming back to it. This is an opal mind in the middle of no where Australia. Driving back from Red Center we were going down one of these roads where you could tie the steering wheel down and read a novel. Long and straight. All along this long stretch were old machines and piles of dirt. I learned that this is an opal mining areas. So, eventually we stopped so I could be the tourist and this is what I saw. The sky was dramatic and colors and landscape kind of strange. It’s like a tourist trap but no one was there. Anyway it was pretty cool to learn how they mine opal and see such a landscape.
Road To Death Valley

For the next 9 days I’ll be in Death Valley leading a Phase One PODAS photography workshop. I love these and I love Death Valley. On Friday on the drive from Vega to Death Valley I drove through so rare but intense storms. This shot is of one of the approaching storms. Makes for some dramatic clouds and such. I’ll try to post all Death Valley images this week. Some may be a bit different as yesterday I went out exploring and found some very peculiar things. Wait and see.
Palouse Sunrise

In August I lead a photography workshop PODAS to the Palouse area of Washington. I have been posting a number of images from this trip as time allows. This one is one of those real special ones. It was shot on the first morning of the workshop and a weather from was coming in. We were on a small bluff overlooking this quaint little valley and all the elements just lined up for what turned out to be an hour of incredible photography. Ill post more from this one morning over the coming weeks. Enjoy this one today.
Dramatic Sky
Death Valley – Storm Coming

One thing I love about photographing in the west is the wide open – big sky feel that you get. You can see so far and so high and you get a perspective that you can’t get when you live with obscured horizons and trees everywhere. This was shot in Death Valley on the road to Beatty.