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Happy Easter Retrospective

For the next two days I’ll be posting a retrospective of published images.  Kind of like  re-run time.  Maybe you missed a few of these.  You’ll be able to look at the gallery below and see images that have been previously posted on these pages.  You can click on any image to see a larger image.  Tomorrow I’ll post the second gallery.  Stop back and check it out.

Also, I just launched a new PODAS workshop on Friday being held this July in Chicago.  The focus is on Architectural Photography – The Man Made Landscape.

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Performing Art Center With A Bit Of Fun

Carmel Performing Arts Center - Iphonegraphy

Today was one of those dramatic days in Indianapolis. We just had a tornado warning.  Fun – fun!  Anyway I was driving back from doing some errands this afternoon and saw the dramatic sky behind the Performing Arts Center.  So I stopped and took out my iPhone and did a 30 image pano with stitch.  I then over dinner worked some iPhone fun on the image.  So here it is.  All in all it was fun and isn’t that what taking pictures all about.

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The Stairs

Stairs - San Miguel - Mexico

Continuing with Mexico shots I present another image from the abandoned hotel.  This is a set of stairs basically going no where.  It was made with 5 exposures and brought together in Photomatix and then post processed on the iPad.  Amazing what you can do with your photographs these days.  I really liked the feel and the way this flows.  Let me know what you think.

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Painted Tree

So, some nights when I have nothing to do I sit on the couch, put on some TV show and pick up my iPad.  Last night I did just that and played with an APP on my iPad – Paintit Show.  This is a slick app by Corel and all you do is load your images, select a style and away it goes.  Lots of fun to watch and results are nice.  This is one of the many I did last night that I like the best.  Originally shot with a P65+ of a gum tree in Ormiston Gorge, Australia.

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Olympic National Park

Sunset, Olympic National Park

Every year I spend a week with a group of fellow photographers and friends.  We go to a special location, shoot a lot of photos, talk photography and drink fine wine.  Last year we visited Olympic National park and had perfect weather and shot lots of good images.  One evening were photographing the sunset on the Pacific Ocean and it was tough scene.  It was a classic case where HDR was needed.  But to shoot multiple exposures with water that is in continuous motion is near impossible.  Lucky for me I was shooting with a Phase One P65+ and this amazing camera has a huge dynamic range.  So what I did was find an exposure I like, processed it out by setting exposure sliders in capture One to 2 stops over and 2 stops under and then normal.  I took the three images and used Photomatix to handle the HDR.  I made several varieties of HDR some very natural looking and a few like this are best described as nuclear.  So, enjoy my nuclear sunset.

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An Afternoon In San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


I made a recent trip to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, to meet up with my friend Michael Reichmann of I brought with me the NEW Phase One IQ180 digital back that he was doing an initial review on.  So, since he had my back he gave me a new camera he just got a Lumix GH2.  This was a small 4/3 DSLR and highly sought after.  We took a walk in the streets of this beautiful mexican town.  And, while Michael shot with the Phase One IQ180, I shot with the GH2.  This turns out to be an amzing little camera great for street photography.  I decided to break with the one picture a day theme and today post a gallery of my few hour walk through San Miguel.  I lead off the gallery with this photo of a nun which I find just illuminating. The rest of the images are the result of a visual exercise of just seeing.  All images were shot RAW and worked on in Capture One 6.x,  I hope  you enjoy.

By the way I have now purchased the GH2 with 3 lenses and have been having some fun with it.  I plan to sell my Leica M8 system and use this for much of my street shooting and candid type of work.


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Rusty Ship - Buenos Aires, Argentina

I am in Naples, FL and it is freezing cold.  What’s that all about?  At least the sun is out. I was in one of my rusty moods today so I present Rusty Ship. This was photographed in Buenos Aires along a dock where there were dozens of abandoned ships. Looks like they just tied them up one day and walked away. I have a lot of nice images shot at this location, so count on seeing more. Everyone that knows me knows I like rusty things. Just a bit of an FYI about this image for the techies out there. There was a rope going across the frame. I removed it using content aware tool in Photoshop then used Nik – Viveza to work the colors a bit. Makes for a nice shot.

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Road Trip

Rusted Train Car and Plant

I am on a holiday road trip to Florida to visit with family. Always good to get together for the holiday. After being cooped up on airplanes so much the last few weeks (a round trip to Australia can pretty much guarantee you’ll want a break from planes), I decided to drive. I also decided that I will make a photo essay during the trip on Waffle Houses, the famous road side restaurant at almost every interchange. I have visited four Waffle Houses so far. I’ll assemble a small essay when I get home. Quite a slice of America.

Today’s images is a fun one. I like photographing rust and decay and how nature seems to re-claim it. This image was taken of the side of a rusted out train car (box car) and in the rust this plant had started to grow. I shot this with a Phase One P65+ and it was in one of my albums on the iPhone. I then used Picture Show and did a mirror effect of the image and the above image is what I got. I like symmetry and you’ll see more images like this over time.