Sometimes it is fun to shoot parts of things instead of the whole thing. Case in point is the hood of this car. And depending on how you compose it you can have a unique and fun image.
This is just a fun shot. Made at the auto show that is right up the street from my house. I love shooting all the cars and trying to find unique angles and clever shots. Sometimes I shoot the engine, or the light paying on the curves of the car body. But, this one just looked fun.
There is an oasis in the middle of Mexico known as San Miguel Allende. This a town that is hard to describe except that it has a charm that you don’t expect. It’s a great place for street photography as well as landscape photography. This is a shot made on the street of a doorway and a woman sitting in it.
Let’s move to another part of the world. I was looking for blog candidate images the other day from my inventory of images and this image jumped out. This image was made in New Zealand at Mt. Cook. I took a Zodiac ride into the lake filled with these mini Icebergs broken off from a near by glacier. The skies turned dark and the color popped and I clicked. Hope you enjoy this image.
I love going to all the great places that I can to photography. What I don’t like is airports and airplanes and the process of getting there. Today I start out my journey to New Zealand to host a Phase One PODAS workshop there. I start my journey in Indinapolis and fly to Detroit, from there to Los Angeles and then to Sydney and from sydney to Queenstown, NZ. That’s a lot of hours in planes and airports. I have done it before and will do it many times again. the iPad is loaded with books, magazines and TV shows I can catch up on. I have special drugs mixed with a view glasses of wine that will make time travel faster. And, fortunately I usually get off the plane and forget that I juts took the trip. It’s all worth it especially in NZ because I’ll shoot so many great places. So stay tuned, I’ll update the images here as often as I can.
It’s Saturday and I usually spend a bit of time working on old images, sorting, cataloging etc.. Today I stumbled on this shot and then looked at some of the other images for this shoot. This was made on a New Zealand PODAS photography workshop I lead lead year. I am doing another this December CLCK HERE for info on it. One of the places we visit is Ernslaw Burn and it is only accessible by helicopter. It is truly one of those edge of the planes places. This is a shot of my ALPA with an IQ180 back set up on it about to shoot this massive area. I think we counted a total of 90 plus waterfalls coming off of glaciers a thousand feet high. You should put it on your bucket list, better yet come with me this December
Sometimes images of famous well know locations can be so clichéd. So when I shoot some of these locations I try to see it differently and have some fun with the image to change it up a bit and get folks to stop and look. This is a classic Grand Canyon shot, where I used a long lens and cropped the sky out. Then using a number of different apps and Photoshop I came up with this look. A little soft, lots of color and somewhat surreal.