Haven’t posted peeling paint or rusty image for a while. So, here you go peeling paint. I am always amazed at ow beautiful decaying things can look. This was done in a set of abandoned train cars in Noblesville, IN.
My favorite Antique, junk yard – Sunset Junque in Michigan is a photographer’s paradise. This image was of a paper mache character there. I love the blue eyes. I took the image shot with a Canon 5D11 and then ran it through the iPad adding some effects. I think I have made this image creepy enough. I posted another image I made here a few days ago. Look for more I have a lot of fun and great images from this place.
While in San Manguel Mexico my friend Michael Reichmann and I explored an abandoned hotel. Apparently they were building this nice hotel only to discover it was too close to a dam and if the dam burt the hotel would be gone. So, they just stopped building it. I shot this with the GH2 in HDR mode. Then took the image into a few iPhone apps then output finished a few things in PhotoShop and here you have the final image. This was a room off to the side and it just caught my eye. Read into it what you may.
It has been a busy week. I started in Chicago doing scouting and set up for the July PODAS Architecture Workshop. followed that up visiting schools and doing a Phase One IQ rollout. Got back to Indy, changed suitcases and was headed to Atlanta for a few days at the SPE – Society Of Photographic Educator conference. all of it was buys and a lot of Phase One business. All good. Now I am back in the office for a week doing follow-up as well as prep work for the Death VAlley workshop as well as Ireland workshops coming up soon. Then on Sunday I attended a workshop held by my friend Harry Sandler on iPhone Photography.
Today’s shot was made in Mexico on a recent trip there in San Miguel. I did this with a Panosonic GH2 which is a great street shooters camera. I love shooting people on the street and this is a good shot of a local. I’ll be using the GH2 for upcoming blog images for the PODAS workshops. It does great videos too.
This image is from Iceland and a beach close to a glacial lagoon. What happens is this large glacier produces icebergs and these icebergs float around in this giant glacial lagoon. eventually they find their way to the ocean. There they float and eventually get thrown up on shore and left there at low tide. It is amazing to walk onto this black sand beach and see these bergs. Hundreds of them on a typical low tide as far as you can see. Each one beautiful. You could spend hours there shooting.
Every year I spend a week with a group of fellow photographers and friends. We go to a special location, shoot a lot of photos, talk photography and drink fine wine. Last year we visited Olympic National park and had perfect weather and shot lots of good images. One evening were photographing the sunset on the Pacific Ocean and it was tough scene. It was a classic case where HDR was needed. But to shoot multiple exposures with water that is in continuous motion is near impossible. Lucky for me I was shooting with a Phase One P65+ and this amazing camera has a huge dynamic range. So what I did was find an exposure I like, processed it out by setting exposure sliders in capture One to 2 stops over and 2 stops under and then normal. I took the three images and used Photomatix to handle the HDR. I made several varieties of HDR some very natural looking and a few like this are best described as nuclear. So, enjoy my nuclear sunset.
Back to the blog after a few days of traveling and having some surgery. I had a bit of basil cell cancer removed from my face and thought it would be a cake walk but by the time I was through, I now have like 30 stitches on my face. I am told the scar won’t be bad. At my age a few scars are good to have.
The photo today was taken in Death Valley. There is an old abandoned Borax mine in Death Valley junction that I had a blast shooting at. This is a shot taken with a Phase One P65 and then played with a bit on the iPad. I like the whole feel.
Speaking of Death Valley, I am leading a workshop there in April. Visit www.phaseone.com/podas for details.
WOW, What a week. The company I work for Phase One has announced a whole new line of game changing digital camera backs. The IQ180 is an 80megapixel capture with a revloutionary interface for working with the camera and has a ton of ultra cool features. I am proud that I have the only one in North America and have had the chance to shoot with it. The results are astounding.
I am now in San Miguel, Mexico visiting Michael Reichmann who is host of one of the web’s most popular photography sites. Michael is field testing the back this week along with a host of other notable reviewers. I head to San Francisco on Wednesday for several days there showing the back to a few VIP photographers. Watch the blog for more information. You can read more about this back on Lumninous-Landscape forum as well as getDPI forum.
Today’s picture was shot with the NEW IQ180 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art on a very cold evening at dusk. This camera back has a huge dynamic range and with a little work I was able to make an image that has a huge range of color and exposure. The file is huge 480 megbytes in size. I look forward to making a print when my travel schedule slows down a bit.
Down the street from my home is the mid-west’s premier concert hall – The Palladium. It is one beautiful building. This os supposed to be one of the mots advanced state of the art concert halls in the US. I have enjoyed the privileges of doing photography at the center. This image was done with a Phase One P65+ 60megapixel camera and a 45mm lens. It is a pano image comprised of eleven images stitched together in photoshop. After the stitching was done I did work on perspective as well as retouching imperfections of the building which is final stages of construction. With eleven images stitched together with each image being 360 megabytes each you can just imagine how big the image is. Needless to say the quality and detail is spectacular. Click on the image to see a larger view, click on it again to see even larger, use your back key to return to original image.
Today’s image was made in Upper Antelope Canyon. I have a ton of images from these slot canyons and they are all very beautiful. This was shot with a Phase One p45+. Why is this different? The Phase One cameras allow you to shoot in an environment like this which by the way is pretty dark, and do long exposures. Add to this the ability to have a large dynamic range , meaning you can shoot on one exposure and get good details in highlights and shadows. You cannot do this most DSLR cameras out there. the p45+ allows for exposures up to one hour or more. Some of these shots I did of Antelope are up to 15 minutes. I’ll post more from these canyons over the coming months. Also what’s cool when photographing in these canyons is the yellow-ornage walls absorb light as light filter down allowing some of the light to turn a wonderful color blue. That is where the blue in the image comes from.