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Made It To China

Boat Bow - Ushuia, Argentina

Internet seems kind of spotty so who knows what I will be able to post.  Arrived in China after very long plane rife.  Met up some fellow Phase One team members and then crashed.  So here I am in a  nice hotel overlooking a very Rainy Beijing.  It will be a packed day today with lots of meetings, interviews and presentations as I promote PODAS workshops to the China market.  Should be fun.  I’ll report back as often as I can.

Today’s image was made in Ushuia a stopping off point to th Antarctica.  Saw this boat on the beach and shot in real tight on the bow.

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Boys, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I am packed and ready tho fly and a long flight I have ahead of me.  I’ll be in China for the next 10 days promoting Phase One’s PODAS workshops.  I have a full schedule and will visit a number of areas in China.  As internet connections permit I’ll blog images taken on the trip.  I love travel but not the flights.  This trip is a series on three flights the last one nearly 17 hours long.  I have loaded my ipad with books and movies so hopefully when not sleeping I can stay occupied.

Today’s image was taken in Buenos Aires and has been a favorite of mine for years.  You can read a lot into it.

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Tango Girl

Tango Girl, La Boca, Buenos Aires

There is a lot to like about Buenos Aires.  It is a city of color, intrigue, danger and some pretty cool people.  In the La Boca area of the city is a charming colorful section of shops and homes.  Mostly made of corrugated tin.  On the streets there are couples that grab tourists and tango with them, for a price of course.  everyone has their hand out for the dollar.  So, while enjoying this area photographically I saw this girl waiting for her next dance.  I loved the image because of the leg and head and the way they looked.   I took the images made with a Canon 5dII and put it in my iPad and manipulated it using a great new program called snapseed.  I will post another image tomorrow from the same area.

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A Place

So, what does it mean?

While at my sons wedding a few weeks ago I went exploring and found this corner mechanics shop with a variety of old and rusty things.  The place was a photographers dream thus for the next day or so you will see images from there.  This was one that was just randomly nailed to the wall of the building.   Why a license plate and a horseshoe?  Don’t know but it caught my eye.  There were old tricks, gears, junk, and even a truck that was sold old it had to be from the thirties.  It had a big Redwood tree still on it’s bed and there was tree growing out of it.  Look for more soon.


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Sad Gypsy - Near Saugutuck, MichiganOne of the most fun things to do (in my opinion) is to get in the car and go explore.  I did this the past weekend and I have more shots to post  from that adventure.  Today’s image is one I did in Michigan at a place called Sunset Juuque.   It’s kind of like a Disneyland of junk.  All neatly arranged in these little set ups by the clever owner.  This is one I call Sad Gypsy.  I discovered this place because I was just driving around.  No matter where I go I like to drive and explore.  If I see something I stop and check it out.  A lot of the times I end up shooting it.  You have to capture the moment.  Odds are this set up is not there anymore.  It could have moved or just rotted away.  You have to get it when you see it.  This was done with my basic set up of a Canon 5dII and 24-105 lens.

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Old Trucks

Old Truck Near Skamania, WA

Seems on my last few trips I have been finding a lot of old trucks wherever I go.  I love old stuff, rust and decay.  Can’t get enough of it.  During my sons wedding weekend we went out exploring and came upon a place with a lot of old rusty trucks and things.  So, naturally I had to take some photos.  Because of the light – heavy overcast, light drizzle I did HDR 2 under, over and normal exposures on my Canon 5dII.  This image is the first of a few taken at just this one stop.  Look for more in the coming days.

Also, in a week I will be in Ireland leading a PODAS workshop with 15 photographers.  I’ll be posting from there so stay tuned.  You can also follow the trip at the PODAS BLOG.

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Rust and Rope

Rusty Ship - Buenos Aires

Thought it was time for a rust shot.  I love rust and have quite a few new images on the subject so prepare yourself in the coming weeks.  This was shot in Buenos Aires of an old abandoned ship at dock.  It literally looks like one day they docked the ship and then just walked away from it. There are dozens of these ships along several docks in Buenos Aires.