I visited the Rockies in Canada a year ago prepping for a photo workshop there. Great place with so many photographic opportunities. There are lakes and mountains and wildlife plus a really cool train curve where you gat a train and the mountains in a photo. This is a spot of Lane Minnewanka near Banff.
Visiting Alaska a couple of years ago I had the chance to photography wildlife. I was not a big shooter of wildlife as it requires patience and that is something I don’t have much of. But, when opportunity presents itself I’ll take advantage of it. This si a shot I think of a grizzly. Sounds good no matter if I was correct. I shot a whole series of this bear (obviously a mama) as she had two cubs with her. Later my son who knows a lot of stuff said I was too close and the bear would attack if it smelled fear. I assured him the only thing the bear was smelling was ignorance. Just don’t get too close.
As you may know I am the publisher of Luminous-Landscape.com. We are the largest online photographic resource for photo enthusiasts and pros. We do workshops all over the world and work with some of the best instructors in the world. Today we just launched our 2015 Antarctica Workshops. We are offering two back to back workshops in January 2015. This is an incredible trip. I will have been there 6 times by the time the workshop takes place. I am doing Antarctica this November and in January 2014. It is my favorite place on the planet. It is a must see and must do on your bucket list. Especially if you enjoy taking pictures. Visit Luminous-Landcape and check it our and register. Our previous workshops sell out very quickly. The image above I made on my last trip. It is the ship we will be sailing on. Oh, did I mention we will be flying over the Drake.
I am getting so excited as I will be visiting Antarctica again for the 5th and 6th times this winter. First trip will be in November and another at the end of January. This is one of time most amazing places in the world that anyone and especially a photographer can visit. I have also just booked 2 more workshops for January 2015 on the Luminous Landscape website. I’ll but links in another posting in the next few days. This will be an incredible trip. I do hope to publish a book on Antarctica after these next journeys. Also, you can visit my Antarctica Gallery page from the home page of this site under the Gallery Selection. This is an image of a giant tabular iceberg that we passed on one of our cruises in Antarctica.
I have been working this week on prepping for several Antarctica trips. One this year, one next year and two in 2015. As I was working I came acorss this image which is one of my favorite shots of icebergs. So enjoy.
One of the coolest places to visit in Antarctica is Deception Bay. You have to go through this narrow channel to get there and you basically go inside what was once a volcano. Now it is a giant bay and years ago whalers used this area as a place to harvest their whale catch. There are stories that there was so much blood from butchering the whales that the whole bay turned red now it is long abandoned, There was a volcanic eruption not too long ago and much is buried. What you can’t bury are these rusted old whale oil tanks. I love rust and including them in this landscape.
There is no experience that comes close to the travels in Antarctica. For example todays image above was made as our expedition ship cruised within 20 feet of a massive iceberg. I just point my camera towards the iceberg and got shots like you see above. Incredible design and you could see where melting and freezing played a part in making htis very unique.
While photographing in Death Valley I visited the Artist Pallet are to shoot sunset. There on the side of the road was this motorcycle guy leaning back on his bike watching the mountains light up in all the magic they do. I went p to take pictures and I started talking to this guy. Turns out he has been cruising the highways for 17 years. everything he owns or needs is packed on the back of this bike. I asked if he would pose for some shots and he was more than cooperative. This is the result of the shot. I did some post work on this image in Photoshop to make it a bit different.
This image was shot in Buenos Aires and was always a shot I liked. It was shot in a bad part of the town. I didn’t know it at the time so I just shot images. I like the two brothers (I presume) siting on the cub waiting for something.
This is the side of a mountain near Chamonix, France
Sometimes if you don’t see the whole you are wondering what you are looking at. I shot this from the top of the alps above a small village of Chamonix. The Alps are incredible and I’ll be shooting some more this fall in the Dolomites, Italy. WHat you are looking at is a side of a mountain loaded with snow. Some of the snow has broken off and some has suited to make a most amazing pattern and design. This is what I would call a dynamic landscape as it is always changing. I might have the only image of this as avalanches and melting or additional snow could have changed its look.