TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE SADNESS has swept through our household since yesterday. Pixel and Lizzy two incredible cats that Debra and I adopted on the same day about 7 years ago both had to be put to sleep because of two different types of cancer on the same day. These cats were not only a big part of our household, but they were the household and we were privileged that they let us live with them.
The last year has been a crappy one for sure. There have been many losses in different forms. Losing two of our best furry friends in a day is totally not right. Especially for two creatures that did nothing but show us love every second they were alive. This morning we have one cat left and the three of us are together trying to wrap our heads around this tragedy. The grief comes in waves and it is so hard to process. Our eyes are sore and blurry from so many tears shed but our faces show smiles as we remember these two cats for how they changed our lives and shared so much love.
Debra and I will memorialize these two beautiful souls in a book so we can remember them. Needless to say, we have a ton of photos and videos and once we pass our grief we will remember them for the joy, happiness and incredible love they shared with both of us.
Sometime in the not so distant future we will adopt two more kittens and give them and Jupiter our other cat a place they can call their own and love them with all of our hearts.
Our photos will give us memories forever.
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