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Death Valley – Wall

Tire and Bedspring, Death Valley JunctionBack to the blog after a few days of traveling and having some surgery.  I had a bit of basil cell cancer removed from my face and thought it would be a cake walk but by the time I was through, I now have like 30 stitches on my face.  I am told the scar won’t be bad.  At my age a few scars are good to have.

The photo today was taken in Death Valley.  There is an old abandoned Borax mine in Death Valley junction that I had a blast shooting at.  This is a shot taken with a Phase One P65 and then played with a bit on the iPad.  I like the whole feel.

Speaking of Death Valley, I am leading a workshop there in April.  Visit for details.


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Ghostly Bike Rider

Death Valley - Bike Rider
Death Valley - Bike Rider

Sometimes in the strangest places you find the strangest things. Thus was this photograph made in Death Valley, where actually in this case right outside of Death Valley. This was photographed in at a small art gallery where all the sculptures are part of the environment. But you have to admit, this is pretty creepy. I used a wider angle lens from a low angle and tried to make this image different.


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Redwood Forest

Redwood Forest, N. California, Click On The Image To See Larger, Then Click Again

The redwood forest, is one of my favorite places to explore camera. This picture was done a few years ago in Northern California at the Redwood Forest. The best way to shoot this force is a drive down a road, find a spot you like, I walk into the forest. After a little while you will always find a spot that has more ground in the background and the right light. Such as it was with this particular picture. This was photographed with a Phase One p45+ camera. The detail the actual print is truly amazing. Click on the images to see larger and then click again, use the back arrow to return to original.Hope you enjoy.


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Iceberg close-up, Iceland

I do like cold places and I am always fascinated by ice.  Some of my best photos are of ice.  This shot was part of a series of close-ups of ice taken on an iceberg beach in Iceland.  The story is that there is a glacier nearby and as the glacier calves, the icebergs slowly flow out o t the ocean.  At high tide they are pushed to the beach and when the tide goes out they are stranded.  The beach is littered with icebergs.  Some as big as a house or car and some the size of baseballs.  They are like finding diamonds.  I like this one and others like it as the light comes through and reveals the beautiful patterns the icebergs have.  Look for more in the near future.

Don’t forget you can click on an image to see it larger and click again to see even more detail.  Use you browser web button to back out to regular size.


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Long Island Boat House

Long Island Boat House

I went through an HDR phase – High Dynamic Range photography.  It’s fun and serves a purpose with digital photography as it allows you to show highlight and shadow detail in a contrasty lighting condition.  Today too many photographers overuse it.  For me, I kind of dabble in.  I use it when it is needed which with Phase one cameras is not too often.  In this shot taken at a boatyard where my son was painting the fishing boat he runs, I decided that I was going to sue it and I would go to the grunge look for the whole day.  This is a shot of the little boat house.  What’s cool is you can see inside the boathouse as well as detail in bright sun.  I figured if I was going to do this I might as well exaggerate everything and bang here’s the shot.  I have another one from this day I’ll publish at a later date.


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Death Valley Junction

Death Valley Junction, CA

One of my favorite places to do photography is Death Valley. It is a most remarkable place with a ton of things to photograph. As you know if you are a regular reader I am a big fan of rust and decay and I was fortunate to find this old Borax mine in Death Valley Junction.  This locations is about 45 minutes from the park itself. I played with this image by shooting it with a P65+ then importing into my iPhone where I applied some effects then took it back to Capture One for some more adjustments. Just a little fun with an interesting image.


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Alaska Color

Alaska Color

Sorry, it has been a few days since my last post.  In the last week I have been to San Miguel, Mexico and San Francisco working with a number of influential photographers showing them the the new IQ180 80 megapixel digital back from Phase One.  Oh what a great camera this is.  More on this later great camera later this week.

Today’s photo was shot in Alaska while out whale watching.  It hangs in my home.  It was forrest fire season and there was a lot of haze in the air.  This diffused the light and made for some interesting and colorful skies.  Thus this image. Shot with a Canon 1ds II and 100-400 mm lens.



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London Eye

The London Eye

This a photo of the London Eye a giant ferris wheel in the center of London. As iconic as it is it looks a lot out of place in London. This was photographed on the day of the terrorist attack July 5th 2005. The eye stood still as well as most of London. It was very weird being there as all this was going on. None the less I did a lot of photography that day not realizing the seriousness of the day.  We had no news or smartphones then.