If you get up early enough you photograph the Chicago Bean without any other people messing up the shot. Then get a little creative in post processing and you can get a cool image. I am in Chicago doing a PODAS workshop on architecture. You can follow the workshop here.
Sometimes simple works. When I am out shooting I look at things with a frame around them. Isolate and find the strength in the design and composition. This was shot in Denmark along the Nyhvn Cananl. There are always great shots to be had here. Overall big wide shots and sometimes close shots like this. This was shot on a Canon 5dII and then I messed with it a bit on the iPad in Snapseed. All a lot of fun.
I leave today for Chicago to lead another PODAS workshop. This one will be on Architectural photography. Be sure to check it out at www.podas.info the PODAS Blog.
Today I was searching my images and came up with this image shot in San Diego. The original was full color beautiful light and was a great example of good composition and exposure. But it was a little to normal. I shook it up by playing with it on my iPad using an app – Snapseed. Here is the result. Something that slows you down a bit and makes you look.
It has been a hot week in China and thought that today I would cool things off a bit. One thing that I marvel at is icebergs. There are all sorts of different bergs out there. This one is a tabular berg and could measure three quarters of a mile wide and deep. There are some that are much bigger. This one was caught with the bird that adds foreground and makes the shot work.
After 24 hours of flying and airports I am back in the US. What a great but tiring trip. The trip was to promote PODAS workshops to the Chinese market. Already press clippings and interviews are appearing. Even though they are in Chinese, it is fun to see images and such of PODAS and the attention it received. I made sore terrific new friends on this journey and I do hope to see them again soon. Many thanks to everyone there for the great hospitality and interesting meals and the suicidal taxi cab rides. What an adventure. Now it is back to business and regular blogging. I have three day before I start the next PODAS workshop in Chicago, so there is lots to do. Today though will be catch up, grocery shopping, reading mail, paying bills and getting over jet lag. Today’s image was done in San Miguel, Mexico and I just liked it so I am sharing.
Wow…what a trip this has been. A few weeks ago I was in Ireland. This last 10 days I have visited 4 cities in China. Now I am in Hong Kong to do my last presentation tonight. I hear we have 150 people registered. Should be fun. The photographers in China are very passionate and take their photography seriously. We have been promoting a photography workshop (PODAS) for the China market to be held in Death Valley this November. Should be a great time. Tomorrow I fly home, hopefully with an upgrade to business class. I arrived in Hong Kong after a very civilized train ride for two hours from China. I awoke this morning to the sunrise picture above. Sorry, it was shot on the iPhone and may not be the best. The weather is still 100 plus degrees. Can’t wait to get back to a more moderate 87 degrees. I get back with just a few recovery days before starting the PODAS Chicago workshop next week. This will be a workshop focused on Architectural photography. Should be fun. I’ll post again when I get home this weekend.
So, blogging from China is still hard to do. I am also having Facebook withdrawal as I can’t access FaceBook form China. But, I am having a great time. I started my trip out in Beijing and for the last few days have been in Chengdu. Here I did a few presentations on PODAS workshops trying to get the Chinese market interested in a photography workshop in Death Valley this November. We have had more than 50 people at each presentation and they have been very welcoming to me and PODAS. Yesterday and today have been down days and I have had a chance to see some of the wonderful sites in the Chengdu area. Yesterday I visited the Panda Research facility and that is where I took the wonderful photo for today’s blog. What would a trip to China be without a Panda photo. We caught a cab just as a torrential rain storm hit. It kind of washed out the rest of the day as the heavens opened up and it just poured down rain. Never the less it was a great day with wonderful meals with great new friends. Today, I visited two areas. One a river area with all sorts of beautiful places along cliffs and the river. Lots of climbing and walking. I even managed to slide butt first down a muddy hill. It’s very hot here and you need to drink a lot of water. Lots of walking and climbing. We also visited a mountainous area and it seems that we climbed hundreds of steps to the top. It was a beautiful area and I am sure I’ll be posting some images from this wonderful area. It was then back to the hotel for a refreshing cool shower and some relaxing before a dinner with fellow Phase One members and our local dealer. All in all it’s been a very special trip so far. Tomorrow I head to Guangzhou where I will do two presentation and then to Hong Kong where I will do presentations on Thursday and finally a very long plane ride back home on Friday. I hope all of you have had a great fourth of July weekend. I will make up for missing the holiday next weekend with my own fireworks and burgers on the grill. Look for more posting when I can get online.
Hi, blog posts may be a bit sparse or non-existent until after July 8th. Seems China doesn’t like Blogs and FaceBook and thus I have to work around things to make posts. So, today is a picture I made in Mexico and I just like the balance and the feel. As far as my trip in China goes it is great. Super nice people, very fast paced schedule of interviews and programs. I have three more cities to visit and leave tomorrow morning for Chengdu. I’ll post images and details on my return. If I can I will make more posts as time and networks allow.
Internet seems kind of spotty so who knows what I will be able to post. Arrived in China after very long plane rife. Met up some fellow Phase One team members and then crashed. So here I am in a nice hotel overlooking a very Rainy Beijing. It will be a packed day today with lots of meetings, interviews and presentations as I promote PODAS workshops to the China market. Should be fun. I’ll report back as often as I can.
Today’s image was made in Ushuia a stopping off point to th Antarctica. Saw this boat on the beach and shot in real tight on the bow.
I am packed and ready tho fly and a long flight I have ahead of me. I’ll be in China for the next 10 days promoting Phase One’s PODAS workshops. I have a full schedule and will visit a number of areas in China. As internet connections permit I’ll blog images taken on the trip. I love travel but not the flights. This trip is a series on three flights the last one nearly 17 hours long. I have loaded my ipad with books and movies so hopefully when not sleeping I can stay occupied.
Today’s image was taken in Buenos Aires and has been a favorite of mine for years. You can read a lot into it.