Red Barn, so simply Palouse again. Hundreds of red barns in the Palouse. This one works because of the light, the grain in the background and just the way it is placed in the frame.
The back roads of the Palouse offer many surprises and that is one of the things that makes that area so special. On one of the back roads there is a place I call the Bell House. Simply because it has hundreds of bells all over the place. These bells line the pro[prty line, extend around the house driveway and everywhere. Big bells, small bells. Pretty cool hobby collecting bells. This is a shot of one of the bells. Just a fun shot.
It’s amazing how industrial areas can be so Terminator like intimidating. I was shooting with my friend Debra at a gravel quarry and there were all these machines, pipes, conveyors and everything else. The randomness of where everything went and the question of what they did was kind of scary. This shot kind of shows the feel of what I felt. The sky that evening helped things too. Shot with a GH2 and processed in CApture One and worked a bit on the ipad.
One of my favorite National Parks is Zion. Located within driving distance of Las Vegas. It’s a canyon type of park with high walls and lowlands as well some other special areas. A must see park in the fall. Around November 1st they allow cars to drive through and then you can explore to your hearts content. This show is of one of the canyon ways just teaming with color and detail. Taken with a P65+ the detail has to be seen in a big print to be really appreciated.
In downtown Indianpolis there is a huge building known as the Masonic Lodge (Temple). I was fortunate enough to take a number of interior shots of this interesting building. This image is 5 images stitched together. Shot with a P65+ (60 mega pixel). You can only imagine the detail revealed in this huge image. You can see the screw heads on the outlets. Processed using Capture One and stitched in PhotoShop.
It’s time to switch it up and move to other material then Palouse images. I have plenty more of great Palouse images and you’ll see those over the coming weeks. A few weeks ago I took a holiday with my oldest son and traveled from Naples area to the FL Keys together. It was an extremely good time. One of the stops we made while traveling through the Keys was a bar known as Alabama Jacks. Great food right on the water the place had a special kind of charm. I have my iPhone with me so I shot a fe images and then worked on them on my iPad. Here’s one of my favorites.
The Palouse is full of old trucks. Vary rarely though do you happen to find a garage where you find an old 1940’s vintage truck just siting there like it was parked yesterday. This one place I found was completely untouched with magazines dating to 1945. Kind of amazing it has lasted this long. Anyway I took a lot of images in this garage. This is a shot where I worked on it a bit to make it feel older. I hope to soon be sharing some of the dramatic landscape images.
One of the cool things about the Palouse is there are a lot of old things just left sitting out. I found an old barn and in this barn was an old truck, tools and all sorts of cool stuff. Magazines dated back to 1945. What a place. I shot the heck out of this place and you will see more photos. This one is so simple it works. A light bulb. An old light hanging from the ceiling. I hope you like the subtly of it.
The above image pretty much says it all about the Palouse. I head home after a week here shooting and leading a PODAS workshop. It was a lot of fun. We had 28 attendees from around the world and made some new friends. Photography open so many doors and it so much fun to meet people who have the same passion. What a great week.