The PODAS works shop is now over and oh what a workshop it was. It was a week of a lot of photography, good classroom sessions and lots of fun and laughs. It’s great when you can bring fifteen photographers together from all over the world and share a similar passion. Bidding farewell was bittersweet, but I am sure we all will meet again on a future PODAS workshop. This photo was made with a Phase One P65+ on an ALPA camera with an extreme wide angle lens (23mm). It is a another view from the one published the other day. If you ever get a chance to visit Ireland, you will find a beautiful country with very friendly people. Put it on your bucket list.
Year: 2011
Thursday In Ireland
This has to be short. We have been going non-stop and I am lucky I can even post an entry. We are having a blast. Very simply an incredible time. Lots of images for the blog for weeks to come.
Ireland Is Fantastic
I can’t even begin to tell everything that has happened on this trip to Ireland. I am having a great time. The attendees on the PODAS workshop are having a blast and all of us are taking and making great photos. The image above is a 30 second exposure taken at Minard Castle Beach. See the Phase One PODAS blog for more details.
Dunlow Gap Ireland
This PODAS workshop is going extremely well. Ireland is amazing except for their roads and crazy drivers. Not to mention the steering wheel is on the wrong side and you drive on the wrong side of the road. Add to that I am driving a stick and have to shift with my left hand. In any case we are taking great images but not sleeping. Went to bed at midnight and was up by 3:30 to get to the Dunlow Gap in time to shoot the image above. You can also see more images from the Dunlow Gap at . We have several more days on shooting in Ireland. A new image tomorrow.
Bridia Valley Ireland
This is a short post as I have just a few minutes before heading out to the next part of our PODAS adventure in ireland. This shot was made last night in Bridia Valley, Ireland. It’s a simple shot made with a Phase One IQ 180 on an ALPA camera with a 23mm lens. Just works. Visit for more images.
Unsettled Weather In Ireland
A new weather term I have learned on this trip to Ireland is unsettled. The weather will be unsettled. This picture defines the term unsettled weather. Rain, sun, clouds and wind all at once. The workshop we are doing is going extremely well. You can follow us at What an excellent start to the day.
Ireland Sunset
Does it get much better? Nope, tonight was fantastic. This was shot on my iPhone and I also shot many images from tonight’s dusk extravaganza on my Phase One IQ180. Really busy here in Ireland and it will be a great week full of surprises. Enjoying the country a lot. Tomorrow we kick of PODAS workshops. You can follow at my other blog. I have a lot of editing to do on my return trip home.
Made It To Ireland
Made it to Ireland. Today I picked up Steve on of the PODAS instructors and Drew our Phase One support person and we headed to the LAke Hotel where we will be based until Wednesday. IT’s been an adventurous day as I had to rent a van (one of five) we will be using. Crazy thing is the steering wheel is on the wrong side and they make you drive on the wrong side of the road. Pretty crazy and add to that it is a stick shift and you have to shift with your left hand. They call this civilized. I have another few words for it. Should make for an interesting week. This is a simple iPhone shot done of the lake in front of this wonderful hotel. we bring the big guns (Cameras) out tomorrow. This is a very photo rich area and I am sure we will be capturing some wonderful photography. I’ll try to post daily but it may get busy. Days are long and light is good. More to come.
Another Big Sky
This a beautifully simple image from the Palouse area of Washington. I love this area so much that I am leading a photography workshop there in August. We have 25 attendees with three world class instructors. Check out for for information about this workshop and others. what you see here is what you get there. No defined areas to shoot just a lot of great back roads and rolling hills and such.
Rusty Wheel Thingy
By the time you read this I’ll be in Ireland. I pre-scheduled this post and it is a follow up to yesterdays image. More from the same mechanic’s yard. This is a rusty wheel thingy.