I have been to Buenos Aires several times and like to take walks where the normal tourist doesn’t go. come to find out that many places I have visited on these walks are quite dangerous. I guess I have been lucky to have never been bothered. This image is along a dock in the harbor. There is a long line of ships docked along a pier that look like they were docked there 20 years ago and forgotten. Buenos Aires is full of rust. I have posted some other rusty ships previously. This ship just had the skeleton left as anything of value was stripped off of it. I took my chances boarding this ship and walking on very rusty and rotten floors to get into position to shoot this shot. It has everything I love – rust and peeling paint and nice geometry. Look for more rusty ships in the future. My son being the soldier he is insists that next time I take him as my PSD. That is not short for a file extension but for Personal Security Detail.