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Rusty Ships

Rusty Ship ...Buenos AIres - Argentina

I have been to Buenos Aires several times and like to take walks where the normal tourist  doesn’t go.  come to find out that many places I have visited on these walks are quite dangerous.  I guess I have been lucky to have never been bothered.  This image is along a dock in the harbor.  There is a long line of ships docked along a pier that look like they were docked there 20 years ago and forgotten.  Buenos Aires is full of rust.  I have posted some other rusty ships previously.   This ship just had the skeleton left as anything of value was stripped off of it.  I took my chances boarding this ship and walking on very rusty and rotten floors to get into position to shoot this shot.  It has everything I love – rust and peeling paint and nice geometry.  Look for more rusty ships in the future. My son being the soldier he is insists that next time I take him as my PSD.  That is not short for a file extension but for Personal Security Detail.

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Rusty Ladder

Deception Island - Whale Oil Tank

Imagine my surprise when visiting Antarctica to stumble upon rusty things. I love rust and decay and here I was at the bottom of the world at an old whaling station and there was rust and lots of it. So I went crazy and shot a lot of photos. One of them is above of a ladder going up a tank that held whale oil. You’ll see more from this series over time here on this blog. What I remember most is that about ten minutes after I shot this photo I went swimming not one but twice. Swam out to an iceberg. Very stupid thing to do. On the swim back to shore my limbs stopped functioning. The cold water there will zap you and kill you quickly. Makes for great stories now, but I will never forget how cold it was. This was photographed on Deception Island.

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Death Valley Junction

Death Valley Junction, CA

One of my favorite places to do photography is Death Valley. It is a most remarkable place with a ton of things to photograph. As you know if you are a regular reader I am a big fan of rust and decay and I was fortunate to find this old Borax mine in Death Valley Junction.  This locations is about 45 minutes from the park itself. I played with this image by shooting it with a P65+ then importing into my iPhone where I applied some effects then took it back to Capture One for some more adjustments. Just a little fun with an interesting image.


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LOVE at The IMA, Indianapolis, IN

WOW, What a week. The company I work for Phase One has announced a whole new line of game changing digital camera backs.  The IQ180 is an 80megapixel capture with a revloutionary interface for working with the camera and has a ton of ultra cool features. I am proud that I have the only one in North America and have had the chance to shoot with it. The results are astounding.

I am now in San Miguel, Mexico visiting Michael Reichmann who is host of one of the web’s most popular photography sites. Michael is field testing the back this week along with a host of other notable reviewers. I head to San Francisco on Wednesday for several days there showing the back to a few VIP photographers.  Watch the blog for more information. You can read more about this back on Lumninous-Landscape forum as well as getDPI forum.

Today’s picture was shot with the NEW IQ180 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art on a very cold evening at dusk.  This camera back has a huge dynamic range and with a little work I was able to make an image that has a huge range of color and exposure. The file is huge 480 megbytes in size. I look forward to making a print when my travel schedule slows down a bit.

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Another Peeling Paint Day

Peeling Paint On A Train Car

I’m back to peeling paint.  I love the way time plays a part on making art.  This image was photographed in an abandoned train car.  I am sure at one time this was a nice color red.  But over time with the help of the elements the paint began to peel and flake off yielding this shot.  I love it because it is random and ever-changing.  I went back to the location not too long ago and just about all the paint has now fallen off.  It’s great when you shoot something and it is now gone.  More paint and rust to come.


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Tanks and Ice

Tank In Antarctica

Sometimes when exploring in remote parts of the world you stumble upon some unusual things.  This shot was taken in Antarctica and is one of two rusted tanks that we found.  Apparently a long time ago at this remote base Americans used these modified tanks as a means to get around.  What was really interesting is that the tanks were fitted with rotary aircraft engines.  This was show with a P65+ camera and the detail in the image is just amazing.  Capture One allowed me to go in and pull details in the shadow area and the bright snow to make an excellent image.

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Peeling Paint

Peeling Paint on Railroad Car

Today’s iamge is a shot I did of a rail car at an old rail yard near Indianapolis. I love peeling paint, rust and such. This is one of those peeling paint shots. It was shot with a P65+ and then worked a bit in Photoshop and on the iPad. Then output for this blog. Just something I was having fun with.


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Rusty Ship - Buenos Aires, Argentina

I am in Naples, FL and it is freezing cold.  What’s that all about?  At least the sun is out. I was in one of my rusty moods today so I present Rusty Ship. This was photographed in Buenos Aires along a dock where there were dozens of abandoned ships. Looks like they just tied them up one day and walked away. I have a lot of nice images shot at this location, so count on seeing more. Everyone that knows me knows I like rusty things. Just a bit of an FYI about this image for the techies out there. There was a rope going across the frame. I removed it using content aware tool in Photoshop then used Nik – Viveza to work the colors a bit. Makes for a nice shot.

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Road Trip

Rusted Train Car and Plant

I am on a holiday road trip to Florida to visit with family. Always good to get together for the holiday. After being cooped up on airplanes so much the last few weeks (a round trip to Australia can pretty much guarantee you’ll want a break from planes), I decided to drive. I also decided that I will make a photo essay during the trip on Waffle Houses, the famous road side restaurant at almost every interchange. I have visited four Waffle Houses so far. I’ll assemble a small essay when I get home. Quite a slice of America.

Today’s images is a fun one. I like photographing rust and decay and how nature seems to re-claim it. This image was taken of the side of a rusted out train car (box car) and in the rust this plant had started to grow. I shot this with a Phase One P65+ and it was in one of my albums on the iPhone. I then used Picture Show and did a mirror effect of the image and the above image is what I got. I like symmetry and you’ll see more images like this over time.