It’s been a few weeks since I posted last. Sorry, I have been a bit underwater with projects and just had no more time in a. day. I have been doing a. good job on catching up and I’m now in a position where I can start this on a more regular basis again. Today’s image was made in Iceland at a classic location. It’s been photographed a million time, but I tried to do something different by making a pano image of the falls and the mountain.
Tag: panorama
Grand Central Station
While in New York recently I spent some time in Grand Central Station. You can spend hours there. There is so much going on and there is an amazing restaurant food court underneath. I did a lot of panoramas while there. I wanted to catch the immensity of the location. I also worked a lot to get images for my seeing double, being square project. Here is one of the Panos I did, converted to BW. Shot with the Sony a6500.
Lemaire Channel – One End To The Other
I really enjoy doing panorama photos. Not only do they make large files that I can print large but they also allow a viewer to see a lot more in an image than a traditional single shot frame does. There are a lot of photographers that make a big point out of doing perfect panoramas using special rigs and aligning the nodel points to perfection. While I do that sometimes most of the time I just don’t the gear or the time. As a matter of fact a lot of time I can really good panos just by panning the camera handheld. And, that’s exactly what I did with this image. I was on a moving ship traveling through the Lemaire Channel. It’s a most amazing place in Antarctica and while you can get great single frame images I saw an opportunity and thought I’d give it a shot by doing a handheld pano while the ship was moving. The water was calm and the sunrise was just happening. A gorgeous, moment is the only way to describe it. So I did two series of pans and one turned out. Photoshop where I did the stitching together of the images, was brilliant at compensating for the movement of the ship and thus this is the image I ended up with. The channel can be seen from one end to the other.
Svalabrd Pano

When visiting what I cal big sky locations I find myself enjoying shooting panoramas. These are multiple images that are blended (stitched) together in Photoshop. This image was made just about ten days ago in Svalbad. It was shot handheld and was 14 images that were stitched together. Made with Nikon D800E and 24-70mm lens.
Waterfall Pano
Mighty Midway

On my recent trip to San Diego for some business and pleasure I visited the Aircraft Carrier Midway, docked at the downtown wharf. This has got to be one of the coolest museums you can visit next to the Intrepid in NYC. This old aircraft carrier has been restored and is open to the public. What a cool ship. It was amazing to visit all the spaces and decks and see how sailors lived on this massive ship. I have a son who just entered the Navy, another son in the Army as well as a daughter in law in the Army and my girlfriend has a son in the Navy. We are very proud of our country’s military and especially those that serve because we know what these young people go through. Anyway, back to the carrier. I was also shooting the Fuji XT-1 during this trip for an upcoming article on Luminous-Landscape and decoded to try out a handheld multi row 23 image stitch image while on deck. The above shot is a result of that. The article will explain how it is done.
Siena Pano

During our PODAS photography workshop in Tuscany we did take time to visit villages and cities so we could get a real feel of the Tuscany Landscape. One of these cities is Siena an absolutely beautiful old city that has a giant square or plaza. They are famous for the cathedral there as well as horse races. The above image was made by taking a number of images with the Fuji Pro X 1 and stitching them together.
Jökulsárlón Bay Iceland Pano

Once again I present another image from Jökulsárlón, otherwise known as Iceberg Lagoon. This particular day was very still and the light was right, lots of ice, and I decided to try to capture the size and overall feel. This took over 14 images shot on a Phase One IQ160 back in vertical and then stitched together in Photoshop.
Made It To Copenhagen

Well, I made it to Copenhagen today. Didn’t get bumped up to business class on this trip, so I rode with the folks in the back. Made it though, but tired and have been suffering all day to stay awake so I could get a real solid nights sleep and wake up on the new time some tomorrow. I’ll be at the Phase One offices for this week in meetings and doing planning for upcoming PODAS workshops. The week will go fast. To help alleviate my jet lag I took a photo walk about this afternoon. Cold day but the sun was peeking through the clouds so I got a few good images. Took a break halfway and enjoyed an Irish Coffee. Copenhagen is such a civilized city. This is a shot of the canal in Nyhavan, where there is usually a big party going on. The place in the summer is solid with people and outdoor cafes. Not today. I’ll have more Denmark pictures as the week goes forth.
Another View

The other day I post a spectacular sunset shot. Today I post the pano version of the same sunset. My son and I were driving down the US1 Highway in the FL, Keys heading to Marathon. We had to pull over and shoot this. iPhone shot stitched and then enhances a bit on the iPad. This stuff is so much fun.