Buenos Aires is a fun city to visit. I sometimes stop and spend a day in the city on my way to Antarctica. It can be a dangerous place too. In the tourist area, there are a lot of street vendors all trying to get your money. Tango dancers are probably the most fun though. There is usually a couple and they do some amazing tango dancing. Then they spot you and if you are a male the girl comes to you and the guy goes towards the male. They show you the steps and how easy it is to tango (not). Then they ask for money. Of course, you pay it over and hopefully, your friends have taken a shot of you doing your dance. This photo is of the girl waiting for her partner to finish so they can find their next customer. As a street photographer travel in a group, watch your back, don’t carry a lot of gear and you’ll find a rich environment for great images.
Tag: Buenos Aires
Little Girl On The Streets
Wherever I go I love to walk the streets and take pictures. This shot of this beautiful little girl was made in Buenos Aires. She was playing tunes on her toy accordion with a cup at her feet for tips. Her eyes, posture and look say so much. (yes, I gave her a big tip, and her smile was so big after that). It’s hard for many people to shoot people on the streets and obviously many time you have to use good judgment as well as have a pocket of local currency with you to tip the subjects.
I Call This Waiting
Skeleton Boat

While wandering around the water front of Buenos Aires I cam to a series of derelict ships that look like they were tied to the docks there and forgotten. This ship looked like it used to be some sort of big dinner cruise boat. It was completely stripped and all the was left was rusting metal. Now of course I love rust and decay and I really liked the symmetry.

While in Ushuaia one of the southern most cities in South America I came across this shot. Two boats and old life boat and some other boat. Not sure if they are related but the shot works with foreground and background. It is kind of ghostly so I messed with the image somewhat to give it a different look.
Rusty Ships

Buenos Aires is a very interesting city to visit. Beautiful and sometimes dangerous but also mysterious. The shipyard area which is dangerous so I am told is cool place to take pictures but probably not the greatest place to visit. No one told me that though. So, liking rust and all I came across docks full of rusty boats and if they weren’t at the docks someone drove them down the river, grounded them and walked away. An awful lot of junk and rust and you know how I like rust. This is one of the resting hulks. Always wish I knew the back story. How did it get there, when, why etc.
Rust and Decay

Sometimes you take a photo and you wish you could go back in time and see what something looked like in its prime. This shot was made of a rusted hull of a ship in Buenos Aires. From what I could tell this was a party boat of some type. This image is of what I presume was the dining room. As you can see all the wood and content is gone. I just loved the look, geometry, and of course the rust. This was hit in a very dangerous part of Buenos Aires, so while it was being taken I was always watching out for a mugger as well as the few friends that were with me were on constant guard. I have a lot of rusty ship images from this trip and maybe I’ll post a few more in the near future.
Man In Row Boat

This is a shot that I always liked and finally decided to post. It was shot in Buenos Aires which is an interesting place to visit. Lots of rust and abandoned ships and buildings. This guy was just rowing his boat up this extremely busy and dirty river. He had a mission and purpose. I messed with the image a bit and grunged it a bit. I love the way his face peeks out and the splash from his oar.
Old Lady In A Hurry
One things I enjoy doing is street photography. Shooting people and scenes while walking around a town or an area. This shot was made in Buenos Aires and is of an hunched over lady rushing up the street and on a mission. She was moving very fast. I liked the wall, color of her clothing and the packages she was carrying.

I am packed and ready tho fly and a long flight I have ahead of me. I’ll be in China for the next 10 days promoting Phase One’s PODAS workshops. I have a full schedule and will visit a number of areas in China. As internet connections permit I’ll blog images taken on the trip. I love travel but not the flights. This trip is a series on three flights the last one nearly 17 hours long. I have loaded my ipad with books and movies so hopefully when not sleeping I can stay occupied.
Today’s image was taken in Buenos Aires and has been a favorite of mine for years. You can read a lot into it.