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Tango In Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is a fun city to visit.  I sometimes stop and spend a day in the city on my way to Antarctica.  It can be a dangerous place too.  In the tourist area, there are a lot of street vendors all trying to get your money.  Tango dancers are probably the most fun though.  There is usually a couple and they do some amazing tango dancing.  Then they spot you and if you are a male the girl comes to you and the guy goes towards the male.  They show you the steps and how easy it is to tango (not).   Then they ask for money. Of course, you pay it over and hopefully, your friends have taken a shot of you doing your dance.  This photo is of the girl waiting for her partner to finish so they can find their next customer.  As a street photographer travel in a group, watch your back, don’t carry a lot of gear and you’ll find a rich environment for great images.

Tango in Buenos Aires