For twenty plus years have been visiting the Palouse. Usually I visit in the early summer (middle of June). I then occasionally visit in August for the harvest, which is great time to photograph the Palouse in a different color . The landscape is dynamic in the harvest because it is always changing. This year has been an exceptional year so far in the Palouse. I have never seen it is a green. There has been consistently cool temperatures and more rain than expected. The area is all green. Sometimes so green as it hurts your eyes to see so much green.
If you are ever interested in joining me on one of my workshops to the Palouse, please visit Rockhopper Workshops To See info and register.
The images presented present here are just a drop in the bucket. They were made with my Sony a7riv and Sony a1. I also used my iPhone as I wanted to see how it did on a journey like this. More images from the iPhone series will be presented here soon.

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If you are interested in seeing more work by Kevin Raber and purchasing his work for your own, please visit RaberEYES.com
Kevin also runs workshops for photographers all over the world at Rockhopper Workshops
Kevin also has. a major website for all photography enthusiasts with articles, forums, tutorials, community, and more at photoPXL.com
Kevin also shares his work daily on Facebook and Instagram