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On The Way To Olympic National Park

Bainbridge Ferry, Seattle, WA

It has been a rainy free days in Seattle. Typical. So, early Saturday morning I am in line to catch a ferry to Bainbridge Island and start my two day trip through ONP. I see the fireboat and ferry coming in with the pink in the clouds, hinting at sin some sun. Bam, got the shot. Color, composition, everything just worked for that one moment. The ONP is going to make a great location for an upcoming PODAS workshop this fall. Hard to take any photos yesterday as it rained the whole time and I mean heavy rain. I am about to head out the door with the Phase One IQ180 and ALPA set up and hopefully today get some decent images. Let’s see what I come back with.

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Wheels Of Rust

Wheels Of Rust Old Train, Snoqualmie, WA

Yesterday I had a number of meetings and afterwards I found myself in Snowqualmie, a small town 30 mini yes outside of Seattle. I usually photograph this magnificent waterfall there, but the government was redoing the damn and power plant there so there was no access. None the less I found a yard fill of old trains. It’s raining and not too pleasant, so I did not shoot with my big boy cameras. I got my iPhone out and started to look for rust and design. I found it. This is one of hundreds I shot. I like the whole iron feel if it. It had rust another favorite subject of mine .  I messed with it a little in some apps to give an old kind of feel and thus this is my image of the day.

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Fun With The iPhone

Performing Arts Center, Carmel, IN

This image was shot yesterday.  The building is the Carmel (indiana) Perform Arts Center or Palladium as it is known.  It’s a big new building that is quite nice and very expensive.  None the less I have fun shooting it.  On the way back from the store I pulled in and did a quick pano with my iPhone.  Assembled it and like magic with PhotoStream it was on my iPad.  I then worked the image a bit in a couple of apps to come up with this.  Just a fun day and a bit of fun time messing around.

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The Danish Royal Guard

Danish Royal Guard, Copenhagen, Denmark

Well I am back from Denmark and editing images and doing a lot of catch up on a lot of different things.  I leave again on Thursday so I have lots to do.  Because of my recent shoulder surgery I still can’t  lift anything heavy so I was restricted to iPhone images on this trip.  I shot with the iPhone, then with PhotoStream part of the NEW IOS5 of Apple the images showed up on all my other devices,  I then edited the images on my iPad. This is one image from a whole bunch that you will see in coming weeks.  This was done at the queens house in Copenhagen.

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Land Of The Little Mermaid

Little Mermaid, Copenhagen, Denmark

Sorry for the lack of posts this week.  I am in Denmark the land of the little mermaid.  It has been a very busy week at Phase One.  I have been in non-stop meetings plus helping with Chinese visitors.  All in all a very positive week with a plan for the next few years for PODAs and some other great things.  I start home on Saturday and look forward to getting back.  This will be short lived though as I prepare to leave gain on Thursday for ten days in Death Valley leading PODAS photography workshop there for Chinese photographers.  Once I am domestic I’ll try to post on a regular basis.  So, I am back.  enjoy this shot.  Taken on a very foggy morning in Copenhagen on Thursday.

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Blue Headlight

Blue Headlight

Sometimes I just like to mess around and have fun.  It’s not always about the perfect landscape, the chilly dawn shot or the angle.  Sometimes it is just about taking an iPhone out because you saw something that looked good and shooting it.  This is the headlight of a sports car.  It looked good.  Symmetry and balance combined with color.  It was shot with the Hipstamatic app  on the iPhone and then taken a bit further in SnapSeeed an ipad app.  Oh, and it just is fun!

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iPhone Images These Days

Yellow Tractor

I am still recovering from my shoulder surgery.  My arm is in a sling and I have a few more weeks to go.  I am still uncomfortable much of the time but my physical therapist says I am doing good.  So, all this make it very frustrating being a photographer and not being able to lift a camera.  I’m going nuts.  So, I ventured out this past weekend with my friend and shooting buddy Debra and went for a drive.  I shot everything on an iPhone. Even that was difficult left handed but I was shooting none the less.  So today’s image was from on of our first stops.  There are  more images coming.  This is an old tractor parked in the front yard of some farmer.  It was one of those crisp colorful days and the tractor worked into it well.  I used the Hipstamatic camera to catch this shot.  Hope you enjoy it.

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Fall Colors

Cataract Creek - Indiana

Well it’s been a few weeks since my surgery and I just had to get out of the house.  Not being able to lift a camera has been driving me crazy too.  I will recover and get my strength in my shoulder back, but there comes a time where you just have to take some steps.  On Sunday I ventured out with my friend Debra and we took a journey south and found some fall colors and waterfalls.  The day was just perfect and the colors were just hitting peak.  I ended up shooting the iPhone left handed.  Yeah, pretty pathetic considering I wanted to shoot the big boy IQ180 the whole time.  In any case I was able to get some nice images.  Here is one.  And as a bonus, I got to visit with my youngest son Scott in Bloomington.  He’s looking good!

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Seeing Different

Old Man Statue - Carmel, IN

I am still recovering from the rotator cuff injury and the most frustrating thing is I can’t lift a camera.   I am going out for a drive today to shoot and I will use my iPhone.  The picture above was shot with an iPhone and then jazzed up a bit on my iPad.  It’s of a statue ( community art) in my town Carmel, IN.  It’s just a fun shot showing how with cropping and some playing with camera angle you can come up with an unusual shot.