The Indiana State fair is one of the best places to do photography. There are so many interesting people, activties and color. During the day at the fair I shoot everything I see. Then at night the tripod comes out and it’s time to do long expsoures like the one shown here. This is one of the rides shot at 10 seconds to get the blurry movement look.
Year: 2018
The Immensity Of Greenland
Here’s a photo of the Ocean Nova our expedition ship by a glacier in Greenland. Everything in Greenland is imense. even icebrgs wold dwarf our ship. We are headed to Greenland again in 2019. You can check out the information for this trip at the Luminous-Landscape website.
It’s Been Too Long
I have committed a terrible thing by not keeping this site up to date. My apologies. Things sort of got away from me and I am trying to come in for a landing after a super busy summer of teaching workshops and travel. So, I will do my best to get things back on track staring today.
Todays’ image was made in Torre Del Pines in Argentina. We stopped for some fuel and here was this backetball hoop attached to this beautifyl wall. It was shot with an iPhone and enhnaced using Snapseed.
Open House Tonight and Tomorrow at RaberEYES
Once a year as part of an Indianapolis tradition to kick off Race Month The Stutz has an open house. The Stutz is a large 4 story building occupying a full block in downtown Indianapolis. The building quite unique and special. There are nearly 100 artists, photographers, and high-end startup companies in the building. The last weekend in the month of April the Stutz opens its door to thousands of visitors on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. It’s not only a big party with live music and lots of different refreshments but also a chance to visit the 60 plus artist studios that will be open that night. My studio is one of those and we show off hundreds of images that I have taken all over this great planet. It’s a great time to stop by and say hi as well as shop for some of my photography at very, very special prices during the show. You’ll have a blast. You can enjoy homemade Sangria as well as Philly Pretzels too. So, mark your calendar and come visit.
The hours are 5-10 PM on Friday and 1 – 6 PM on Saturday. Location is 1060 N. Capitol Ave, Suite C-375, Indianapolis, IN.
Hope we can see you there.
Ship Wreck In Punta Arenas
I’m in Punta Arenas now (Jan. 31st) getting ready to fly out to Antarctica for a trip going south of the polar circle. It’s a great trip and one always full of surprises. while in Punta Arenas I like to vsit two different areas, the water front and the grave yard. This was done on the waterfron abouta. mile outside of town. This ship must have grounded itself there many years ago as each time I come here it is still here.
I shot this iamge from the top of the hill with a long lens to get a tight shot. I love shooting tight and seeing the world in a different perspective.
Zion 1
A few months ago I was in Zion National Park. Zion is one of my favorite parks to photograph in. It’s also one of the hadrest. I went the first week of November and was surprised at how crowded the park was. I understand you don’t even want to visit in the summer. The only way around the park is by bus. So, you are the mercy of bus schedules as well as bus stops. At one time when you could drive a car in the park you could stop at all the great location, work from the car and then move to the next location.
These two shots were shot from the infamous Zion bridge. I usually avoid the bridge as it is a very iconic photo that I have shot many times. However, crossing the bridge this time I couldn’t help but see how nice the light was. It was different. So, I jumped on the bridge found a spot amonst about 40 photogaphers caught my shot and looked behind me to see another. I walk across the brdge and did another shot. I followed my rule in the field. Always be looking around, especially behind you. Many on the bridge that night did not see the second shot.
New Orleans Refinery

I spent a week in New Orleans about a year ago. I had a great time photographing around the city. One of the days there we took a trip out of the city and traveled along the river. This is a shot I took along the Mississippi river. It is a 10 image stitch to create the long panorama image. I also did some special treatment to give it a cold sharp look.
Hey, it’s my website and every now and then I will share a personal photo or two. This is one of those days. I present my furry friend Pixel. She’s an incredibly lovable cat. She gets me and I get her. I sometimes feel like we are in tune with each other. I got her a small sick kitten. It was touch and go for a while but I was a big part of nursing her back to health. We bonded really well and today she is my little and very loving cat buddy.
Lonely Wrench
I’ll make this simple, simple like the photo. This is a giant lone wrench I saw at the waterworks plant in Buffalo, NY while I was there photographing at the Silo City workshop. This is another classic case of finding a photo in the photo. I used a long lens to explore the structure and I found this shot.
Big Balloon
Hot air ballooning is quite the experience. I was fortunate enough a few months ago to have the chance to go hot air ballooning in Sedona, AZ at a Sony camera event. I have a ton of images of the other balloons as well as the beautiful landscape of Sedona. This is just one of many I may end up sharing here.