As you have seen in on my previous posts I have a continuing project titled Being Square – Seeing Double. This is the Hallgrímskirkja church in Reykjavik, Iceland. thelight inside the church was beautiful and using the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone I did series of images. These are three of the ones I took.
Month: July 2017
Abandoned Farm House
One of the things that have always made the Palouse un to explore is the abandoned houses and trucks that can be found in many places. Unlike other places, I visit it seems that a lot of times somewhere along the way folks just one day decided to pack some things and leave their homes. it’s not uncommon to find homes that have been abandoned for 20 plus years. Sometimes there is furniture and personal belongings in these homes.
The home above is one of these. There were a barn and a garage with this home but they were burned down in 2017. That is happening more and more too in the Palouse and is a who;e other stories. In any case, as a photographer, I like trying to capture these places and make the viewer ask what was the story?
New York, Las Vegas
I always have my camera with me. You have heard this from me many times. One night while in Vegas I grabbed my tripod and took a long walk doing night shots of Vegas. Las Vegas is actually best photographed at night. The Lights and people add to the images. Afterall Vegas is all about the lights. This was a hard image to get as there is no good angle because of pedestrian bridges and cars. But, I did find a spot and was able to get the image shown here.
Silo City Graffiti
Silo City Girl
I have published a number of images from Silo City. This is a location of grain silos in Buffalo. I have published a number of images from Silo City in the past on this blog. I had the opportunity to shoot a model for one day of my three that I spent shooting there. She happened to be a dancer and was able to strike great poses. I was trying to show the human life form in contrast to the machinery of this place. I really like this image.
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

This was kind of a bizarre catch. Chris Sanderson and I were driving back from Zion National Park when we stumbled upon this tourist trap location that looked like it had been closed down for the season. I always like exploring odd places like this so we got out of the car and explored. I saw this great low angle wide anglr shot and was setting up to shoot it when this chicken jumped into the picture. Was it divine intervention or just plain luck. I of course had to take the image. Fun if nothing else.
Pixel My Little Helper
It’s pet time. A number of years ago I adopted a kitten on impulse. Well, maybe not impulse. I was visiting an animal shelter with my wife because she wanted to adopt a kitten. She found one she liked real quick and went off to the get to know your cat room. I was left to wander around and in one cage I saw the cutest kitten I ever saw. She was tiny. I asked the volunteer to let me hold the kitten. I put the kitten in my hands and she looked at me and closed her eyes. She had me. I adopted her on the spot and named her Pixel. She has been bonded to me ever since. She is quite unusual in many ways. She is a great companion and hangs with me all the time. Today I was working on an upcoming camera review and she decided the letter tray on my desk was a good place to take a nap. Frankly, it just doesn’t get any better than this. Pixel is my little buddy.
London Eye
This image is an older shot but a favorite of mine. It was taken on July 7, 2005. I was in London and a few blocks away from where the bus exploded. needless to say, the day was chaotic. I walked all over London that day. They shut down the E that day. This exposure shows the Eye empty. Something you don’t see much at all. I liked the building in the foreground and the stacks. There wasn’t much color so I decided to make it black and white.