There are so many things to like about South Georgia Island. Every cove, every harbor, every fjord has something special for the photographer and explorer. This particular spot has everything I like, rust and landscape and a few seals. We had the pefrect weather for this excursion. Made with a Fuji XT-2 and 18-55mm lens.
Month: December 2016
Beach Party

South Georgia Island is a great place to shoot King Penguins. I did was sit on the beach by the water and these fellows came over to say hello. It’s amazing how curious and friendly these little guys are. This was shot with a Fuji XT-2 and 10-24 wide angle zoom.
Like A Fairy Tale
South Georgia Island is like a magical land in the middle of an ocean that is very hard to get to. No matter what bay you visit or what land you set foot on you are blessed with incredibly beautiful scenes that make great images for the photographic artists. This image was made at Gold Harbor which is just teaming with wildlife and amazing landscapes. This was done at sunrise before breakfast. The day just got better from that point on.
Fuji XT-2 and 18-55mm lens.
Good Morning South Georgia
On our trip to South Georgia and Antarctica, it was the early bird that saw spectacular sunrises. Being the leader of this trip it wasn’t unusual for me to wake the ship up early to see and photograph a sunrise like this. Shot with a Fuji Xt-2 and the 16-55mm. This was pure South Georgia, color and clouds.
Click on the image to see larger and click again to see even larger. Then close the image with the arrows at the top left of the image.
Penguin Love

Over the last 3 weeks, I captured 12,000 images as part of the Luminous-Landscape South Georgia and Antarctica adventure. I have managed to narrow the collection down to 2400 images, The rejects sit in a separate folder off on the server just in case I ever need to refer to them.
Now that I am in major editing mode and have started to output some of my favorites images, i thought it would be good to share them. I’ll also be doing an article on LuLa soon with many more images. Today though I thought it would be great to share with you an image of what I call Penguin Love. Penguins are incredible creatures and they do the most amazing things. I loved the way these two showed their affection with each other.
Shot with a Fuji XT-2 and a 100-400mm lens. The Fuji never let me down on this trip. The 100-400mm with great IOS let me hand-held exposures with the equivalent of a 600mm lens. And, it focuses close enough to get images like this.
We Are Back In Many Ways
Today we launched the NEW website. One of the things I did for a long time was to make a post a day with one of my photographs and the story behind it. Today we are back with the new look.
We are also back from Antarctica and South Georgia Island. What a fantastic trip to such an amazing place. I lead a ship of 68 photographers to this amazing place, and for 21 days we had an adventure of a lifetime. You’ll read more about this in coming weeks.
I look forward to sharing more photos and stories. Also, the new site will also have the articles I have written for the site that I am publisher and CEO of.