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Second Beach

2nd Beach, Olympic National Park

Along the Washington and Oregon coast lines there are some classic places to take magnificent images of the coast and stacks and crashing surf.  One of the more iconic places is Second Beach in Olympic National Park.  A little bit of a hike through a well marked trail deposits you at this super location.  Sunset being the best time to be there.  I wanted my images to be different than others I saw before of this location. This was shot with an IQ180 and then processed out with one exposure to six levels at one stop increments.  So I had a 3 stop over and under and one normal from one shot.  The Phase One camera takes an incredible image with 12 plus stops dynamic range.  So in one image I was able to hold all details in highlights and shadows.  It’s quite the moment when you look at the histogram of an image like this expecting clipping on highlights and shadows and the Phase One back shows a very nice histogram with toes at both ends.  This allowed me to know I had the information to produce an image like this.  Then using Photomatix I processed them together to make an HDR.  I made adjustments so it didn’t appear to grungy or fake.  I retained enough detail in the rocks but didn’t overdue it.  I decided on a gold tone cast as that is how I remembered this image.  After the image was processed and saved I opened it using NIK Viveza and did some desaturation in the clouds and darkened some corners.  Finally I saved it, flattened it and then did a JPEG at a smaller dimension so I could post it on my blog and FaceBook.  There were number of images from this one nights shoot that were keepers and this was one.  I like the rock in the foreground and texture the water makes.  Hope you enjoy it.  This weekend I will make a 30×40 inch print.

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Big Bend

Big Bend National Park

This is an image shot a National Park that doesn’t get much attention except for the number of illegals that travel across it.  Big Bend National Park in Texas is one of those hard to get to and not so well know parks.  Plenty of stuff there to shoot though.  This was done during lazy and hazy sunset.  Was kind of cool to see all the layers that presented themselves.

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Behind The Falls

Seljalandsfoss Waterfall in Iceland

The waterfalls in Icealnd are spectacular.  This waterfall Seliansfoss is one almost every visitor sees when in Iceland so the trick is making it look different.  This waterfall ou can actually walk behind it.  You’ll get wet but you will get a shot and if the sun is going down it even gets better.

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One Cool Week

The Moon Sets Over The Glacial Lagoon, Iceland

So strange to read weather reports back home about how hot it is.  As I lead a workshop group through the many beautiful locations in Iceland I find I am always dressing in layers.  Sometimes the wind bellows and it feels like winter.  Other times it is in the 30’s.  No matter what though we have a had a week of amazing color, weather and a chance to shoot with 14 great people with a true passion for photography.  You can follow the adventure at  The image above was done at The Glacial Lagoon as the moon set.  It never gets dark, just kind of this blueish grey light.  Hard to sleep when it is never dark and we find ourselves out at 2-5 AM in the morning.  Lots of fun, great image that you will soon see more of.

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It Just Keeps Getting Better

Glacial Lagoon of Jokulsarlon

We made it to Skaftafell with a few stops along the way.  We enjoyed a dinner and we left for sunset at the Glacial Lagoon of Jokulsarlon.  We spent hours there as the sun set finally at 11:20PM.  Then we waited for sunrise that we eventually skipped due to weather that moved in.  No one complained as they caught up on some much needed sleep.  This is a PODAS and sleep is optional.  We did a Capture One tutorial seesion this morning folloed by lunch and time to work on images. This afternoon we will head out to shoot Glaciers and waterfalls.  This will be followed by dinner and an early night to bed as we head out at 2:45 AM to shoot icebergs on the beach.  We did a Capture One session today and we saw the images being created on this trip by the attendees and they are very good.  Below and above are some of the images of attendees and places we visited.

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Happy Easter – Sunrise In Antacrtica

Sunset - Sunrise - Antarctica

Happy easter Sunday.  It’s a great day here in Indianapolis today.  I wanted to share an image that is a sunrise in Antarctica.  Actually it’s the tail end of sunset.  See the sun really never goes away it just kind of gets real low and gives you four hours of sunset or two of sunset and two of sunrise.  Either way like a lot of things you see in Antarctica it is a constant reminder that there is something greater out there creating all of this each day.  The things I have seen on my three trips there as well other experiences has allowed me to feel closer spiritually to god and the magnificent things that have been created.  My photography allows me each day to capture a little piece of that and share it like I do here.

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Iceberg at Sunrise

Iceberg, Antarctica

Well you may have noticed that I have not made posts for several days.  I was quite busy when in Copenhagen setting up all the infrastructure for this years PODAS workshops.  We managed to set up three new workshops as well as take care of a lot of planning and a marketing plan for that will be an excellent workshop series this year.    Todays image was made several hers ago while cruising Antarctica.  The sky for several hours just stayed a purple color as the sun just set below the horizon but it never got dark.  Kind of like a sunset that turns into sunrise in a matter of 90 minutes.  Anyway today was a cold day when I awoke so I though it to be a good iceberg day.