Well, it looks like it won’t be until 2022 until I can return to Antarctica again. I found these two photos that I think sum up what a day in Antarctica is all about. This is my wife Debra having the time of her life.

I’m going back and you can come with me. In November along with Steve Gosling, I am heading back to South Georgia Island and Antarctica. This is a trip of a lifetime to see a place you wouldn’t believe exists. The amount of wildlife will astound you. If you are interested please visit rockhopperworkshops.com and take a look at the South Georgia – Antarctica workshop as well as the others we presently are offering.
So what do you think? This is a special image. It was made in the South Georgia Islands. Two King Penguins just happened to be on the beach with a shipwreck in the background. You see penguin couples often and you can think of a hundred different captions for a shot like this. I shot it with a long lens with a wide aperture so I could soften the ship in the background. By the way, the ship is a great example of gorgeous rust. I have images of that I will share too. Hope you enjoy this image, who can’t like penguins?
There is so much to photograph in Antarctica. This image was made as we were cruising. I saw the grey sky and the blue of the icebergs as they floated in the sea. I must admit I saturated the blue a bit for effect but I like it and especially the way it contrasts with the background. This was shot with a long lens handheld from a moving ship. the Fuji XT-2 with the 100-400mm lens allowed me a long reach to get this image.