For the next week I’ll be shooting with friends in Moab, UT. This a beautiful area of the southwest with hundreds of possibilities for great shots. All of us on this trip have been there before so this trip we will try to explore areas not usually visited by others. The goal is to make a lot of non-cliched images. What’s unique about this adventure is we will be shooting with the IQ180 digital back from Phase One. That’s right 80 megapixels. That’s 480 megabytes per shot. Amazing detail that has to be seen. We (Phase One) start shipping these backs to our dealers worldwide today. The designer of these new backs and inventor of them will be shooting with us so he can see how the back performs. What other company sends their head engineer out to try out and test their product. There will be lots of news about the new back next week. Wired MAgazine will have a review by Tuesday as will Luminous Landscape with others to follow. I’ll post links here on my blog as they appear. Today’s image was shot in Moab a year ago. I’ll post some teasers each day until I have fresh ones I can share. Stay tuned it will be a big week.