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Big Bend

Big Bend National Park

This is an image shot a National Park that doesn’t get much attention except for the number of illegals that travel across it.  Big Bend National Park in Texas is one of those hard to get to and not so well know parks.  Plenty of stuff there to shoot though.  This was done during lazy and hazy sunset.  Was kind of cool to see all the layers that presented themselves.

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Sand Fall

Sand Falls inside Antelope Canyon

I don’t know what else to call it.  I came away from Antelope Canyon as I always do with some extremely nice images and all were done on an 80 megapixel camera so detail is astounding.  I wanted something different so how about sand falling off the rock face walls making its own sand (water)fall.  Hope you enjoy this.  The detail is amazing.


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From Australia

Australian Outback

Really I am in Copenhagen but this image is from Australia.  I have had the pleasure to travel to the outback of Australia and through the assistance of Ken Duncan, well know Australian photographer got to visit an aborigine community.  I was fortunate enough to do a number of portraits and this is one of them.  Their face tell so many stories.  Their eyes are so black.  Just very interesting people and most gracious.  If you get the chance to visit the outback it is an amazing place.

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Entrance To Tivoli, The place that inspired Disney

As I said in my last entry I was headed to Copenhagen.  Well, I am in Copenhagen and I have been pretty slammed with meetings and such.  A lot to cram into a week at Phase One.  So, postings have been nonexistent but I will catch up.  So, other than a mermaid sitting on a rock what other iconic places are there in Copenhagen?  Tivoli of course.

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Guitar Picking, Broadripple, Indiana

Last night had the chance to visit a basement bar in Broadripple, a trendy area of Indianapolis.  There was this band made up of a bunch of old guys.  (Yes, I am an old guy too).  and, they were just having the time of their lives playing music as if they have been doing it together for 50 years.  I had a great time shooting the evening and thought I would post a more artsy shot of picking on the guitar.  Just a damn cool night all round.

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Tulip Day

Tulip, Holland, Michigan

Every now and then I like to switch things up a bit.  I visited the Tulip Festival as I try to do every year in Holland , Michigan.  This year it was not so great, cold, rainy and most of the tulips had already lost their leaves due to an early spring with warm weather.  None the less I found this guy in a flower box in town.  Color and rain drops as well as the flowers behind make it work. Good way to start the day.

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The Bubble

Geyser – Iceland

One very touristy place in Iceland is the Geyser.  I ma not much for these kind of places, but none the less myself and friends visited this location.  It erupts every few minutes and everyone enjoys it.  This is the bubble a fraction of a second before it turns into a Geyser.  Thought it was different and thus it has made the blog today.

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Abandoned Hotel In Mexico

Hotel – San Miguel, Mexico

I just love this place.  Outside San Miguel there is a hotel that is 60% finished and then one day while building it they figured out it was not a good idea to build a hotel under a dam that may break someday and flood the place out.  No matter what you think of all the planning that went into this before discovering such a thing, it did leave a cool place to take pictures.  I like this shot because it has symmetry.  I am kind of big on that as one of my styles in photography.  This was shot with a Phase One IQ180 that has super ability to see drk and highlight detail.  Notice how you can see detail in ceilings of the hotel rooms.  This camera in addition to this dynamic range is also 80 megapixels so the detail is just amazing.