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Bali Bali Bali

Waves and Rocks, Tanah Lot, Bali

Well, my adventure to Bali is over and I have at least made it to Hong Kong where the internet is better and I can start to do uploads to blogs and Facebook again.  The Bali trip was for  a PODAS Photo Workshop I was leading for Chinese photographers using Phase One cameras.  We had a great time and a great group.  Bali is certainly a different and lovely island.  Getting home has been a hassle because Hong Kong my airport for connections was hit by a typhoon and it really messed up flights.  In any case even though I am coming home a few days late I am coming home.  I fly all day tomorrow with a 16 hour flight from HK to Detroit and then a short flight to Indy.  It will be nice to be home.  This image is a simple image that I just liked.  It was taken at Tanah Lot Temple and is just waves and rocks.  I used a neutral density filter to slow exposure and add to the drama.  Lots more images to come.

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More From Bali

The view at the Tanah Lot Temple, Bali

This has been a typical PODAS workshop non-stop week.  The workshop has gone well and we have visited and photographed many amazing things.  I’ll post more as I get a better internet connection.  For now enjoy this sunset photo at Tanah Lot which is temple by the sea.  Did I mention there are a lot of temples in Bali?




Tanah Lot

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Bali Delight

Surf in Bali

I have been in Bali for a few days now.  I will be here through Saturday hosting a PODAS photography workshop for Phase One Chinese customers.  We have a great group and like all PODAS workshops we have a non-stop schedule.  This morning we shot a sunrise at a point of land in Bali that allowed us to capture crashing surf.  I used a neutral density filter and went of long exposures and this is one of the better images that I caught.  I was tricky because it was hard to predict when the waves would come.  Shot with a Phase One IQ180 camera.  If my posting are not so regular please accept my apologies as the schedule is tight and internet connections spotty.

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Chicago Bridge

Once again on one of my walk a bouts in Chicago I saw this image on a bridge in .  Carefully lined it up and waited for the person to come into the frame.  Do you like it?  Kind of cool,  It shows a lot about Chicago, old, new and lots of riveted steel and iron.  Taken with a Phase One P65+.  Yes you can do street photography with it.

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Iron City

Bridge and building, Chicago, IL

Chicago is one of my favorite cities to photograph.  The architecture from bridges to buildings is incredible.  I love those cool days of early fall and getting out there with a camera at dawn and shooting.  In this shot I included one of the bridges with a modern skyscraper  to tell a sort of old and new.  Show with a wide angle lens on a P65+.

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Waterfall In the Fall

Waterfall at Rickets Glen Park, Pennsylvania

You can find amazing places close to home sometimes.  One of those places is Rickets Glenn Park in pennsylvania.  There are 26 waterfalls there and you can spend several days shooting them.  You have to do some hiking but it is quite beautiful especially in early October when the colors change.  I’ll be posting more images from this wonderful place in coming days.

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A Peaceful Morning

The Australian Outback is a beautiful yet extremely remote place.  A lot of it is just flat bush and almost desert like.  But if you know where to look you find these kind of places.  Google – Glen Helen.  near Glen Helen there are a number of gorges where you find beautiful scenes like this.  Shot with a Phase One 60 mega pixel camera.

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Street Music

Holland Michigan – Music Man

Back in the spring I visited Holland, Mi to shoot the tulip festival and especially the tulips.  It was kind of a bust as the early spring had forced the tulips to bloom early.  So we spent the time there to explore the town and back roads and found lots of fun things to shoot.  We happened upon this guy who was a one man band on the streets of Holland.  Look for more Michigan photos in coming days.