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Moonrise #12 Antarctica

Moonrise #12 Antarctica
Moonrise #12 Antarctica

This year like all years when I visit Antarctica there are special defining moments.  The defining moment this year was getting married on a beach with penguins and 60 close friends.  Quite an adventure.   This moonrise was another define moment.  And, like a lot of images you’ll see this year I am doing lot of B&W.  This is moonrise #12 of a lot of moonrise shots.  It was quite a moment to see this moon rise at the same time the sun was setting.  Quite a night.  Shot with a Sony A7 II and Tamron 150-600mm zoom.

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The Streets Of Valparaiso

Street Art - Valparaiso, Chile
Street Art – Valparaiso, Chile

Street are or graffiti is illegal in Chile but you would never know it.  One clever city figured if you can’t beat them then join them.  So they opened up the city walls to talented street graffiti artists and have ended up with a very cool place to find very cool street art.  This image was made on one of those streets.  I’ll have more.  Shot with a Fuji X-t1.

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Parking Lot Guys

Parking Lot Guys - Santiago, Chile
Parking Lot Guys – Santiago, Chile

On our trip to Antarctica we took a few day layover in Santiago.  Here we enjoyed shooting the streets not only in Santiago but in Valparaiso.  This is the perfect place to work with the Fuji X-T1 which I used to shoot these.  This shot was of two parking lot attendants in Santiago.

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Icebergs In New Zealand

Tasman Glacier Terminal Lake by Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand Panasonic GH2, 7-14mm zoom at 14mm 1/500th sec. at f/8, ISO 160
Tasman Glacier Terminal Lake by Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand
Panasonic GH2, 7-14mm zoom at 14mm 1/500th sec. at f/8, ISO 160

This image was made at  Tasman Glacier Terminal Lake by Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand with a Panasonic GH2, 7-14mm zoom at 14mm 1/500th sec. at f/8, ISO.  160.  New Zealand has so much to offer photographers.  Just an amazing place to take pictures and see amazing things.

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Sunset Olympic National Park

Olympic National PArk Sunset
Olympic National Park Sunset

I enjoy photographing in Olympic National Park a lot.  There is so much to shoot there.  This image was made at the 2nd Beach location.  It’s a short walk through the woods that dumps you onto this wonderful beach.  Hang around for sunset and you’ll be treated to something special.  This is an image made with a Phase One IQ160 with an ALPA camera.  I did one exposure then processed it out at 2 stops over and under plus normal.  It was the taken into PhotoMatix and tone mapped.  What this does is recover the detail in highlights and shadows and then blends them together.  A bit surreal and real at the same time.

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Having Some Fun

Chicago Abstract
Chicago Abstract

Last night I did a talk and demo at the Rivera Camera Club in Indianapolis. At these types of talks I like to take an image and work it to different levels.  This is an image that was rotated and enhanced using a variety of techniques.  Kind of goes with my current these of Architectual Abstracts.

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Selfie In Chicago
Selfie In Chicago

Everyone is doing to so why not me?  This is a selfie I made recently on a trip to Chicago.  Done early in the morning at the Bean when no one else was there.  I had fun shooting reflections and trying to get something different.  Mission accomplished!

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Dolomites Church

Church and Sunrise in the Dolomites, Italy
Church and Sunrise in the Dolomites, Italy

One of the prettiest places I have visited in recent years is the Dolomites in Italy.  There are so many beautiful landscapes to photograph.  One morning w did a sunrise shoot along a road with this church and small village in the foreground.  It was one of those grand sunrises as you can see.

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Tree NZI have been spending what little spare time I have organizing my photos from the last few years.  It’s a mammoth task and one I say I will stay on top of from now on.  Here’s to hoping I do.  This is an image I found shot 2 years ago in New Zealand.  This a tree that is photographed a lot.  I guess because it sits out in this filed and a small pond by itself.  Once again I saw it in B&W.