Icebergs are one of my trip loves. I love photographing them because in a short time the only thing that remains is a photo. This photo was made in Antarctica this past November. I under expose the image and then bring it back in my raw processor to give it drama.
The other day I posted an image of Murant’s Curve in the Canadian Rockies going north. Today is the south bound train. Must be fun to drive a train through such beautiful wilderness.
One of the most magical and photographic places I can think of is New Zealand. I love NZ and it’s no wonder the Hobit is filmed here. There are some of the coolest places anywhere to shoot pictures. This one is one of my favorites. It’s about an hours drive from Queenstown.
Ok, it’s no secret I have a real joy for taking photographs and spend just about all my waking days working on something related to my passion. The Luminous-Landscape web site keeps me busy, working on future workshops takes time and writing takes times. So, once in a while I need to go out and do something to relax. There is nothing like Power Washing to satisfy that need and release my tensions. This is a shot of me with my newest man tool – power washer.
In the Canadian Rockies there is a lot to photograph. One of the iconic places is this location called Morant’s Curve. Railroad tracks run north to south and you can catch the trains going both directions. Todays image is of a northbound train. You can see this magnificent landscape and smell the diesel and hear the noise. Pretty cool place to do train watching.
Now I have no reason why they call this the Black Cottage but it is one of the more photographed locations in Scotland. I did this shot while leading a Scotland workshop two years ago. Visited this spot a couple of times and each time was different weather and light. I’ll be doing another Scotland workshop this Auguts. Visit for more information.
Here’s another Monument Valley image made with the Olympus OMD 5. This image as wells hundreds of my images will be available for sale at special prices at the Gallery Open house at the Stutz Building April 25 and 26, 2014. Watch my blog for more information.
Wow, it’s been a little bit of time since I have had a chance to post on the blog. Sorry about that. A lot of things going on and other things had taken priorities. All good stuff, just been very busy. So let’s get caught up.
Todays image is part of a fun series I did in Monument Valley a while back when testing the Olympus OMD 5. I used art more and selected a variety of setting to make artsy BWs and Color images in addition to the standard RAWS. This is a BW of Monument Valley. One of the really pretty spots to visit in this country.
I just love the Olympus OM E1 camera. This is an image made while doing some camera testing in Zion National Park last weekend. This was shot with a 100-300mm zoom Panasonic lens. I have so many nice images from this park.
I was in Zion National Park a week ago testing out some new cameras. Chris (the Luminous-Landscape) videographer and I stumbled upon a herd of mountain goats. This shot is of the babies. Shot with Olympus OM E1 and a Panasonic 100-300 mm lens. Handheld. Such a joy to work with light weight equipment.