As you may know I am fond of rust and decay. Each time I visit Antarctica I seem to always find good rust shots. Usually at old whaling sites or research bases. This is a side of a rusty tank shot at a Polish Antarctica Research Station.
Wow…what an incredible two weeks. I am back from the Antarctica expedition. It was great to see Antarctica so early in the summer season. Beaches that I have landed on before were snow-covered with six feet of snow right up to the waters edge. There is so much to share about this trip. I am preparing a long article that will appear here and on Luminous-Landscape so stay tuned. Meanwhile enjoy the first image with more to come.
I am off to Antarctica for a few weeks. This is my last trip crossing the Drake by boat for a few years. all my other trips will be done by flying over the Drake. As you can probably tell if you follow this blog, I love the Antarctica region. I have never been anywhere on the planet that has so much to offer in photography. The environment changes so it is hard to do a cliched image. I’ll be aboard the Polar Pioneer with around 50 other photographers from all over the world. This is the beginning of summer for that area and hopefully we’ll see penguins with fresh laid eggs. When I go back again in January I hope to see the chicks. I am anxious to shoot some of the same locations in a few months to see how much they have changed. If you follow me on Facebook, I have set it up so there will GPS posting to our location and where we are throughout the journey. I’ll have no internet or cell coverage or even email during the trip. Most likely will need therapy for email withdrawal on my return.
So, I haven’t disappeared I have just gone shooting. See you with new posts when I get home.
I made my first visit to the northern pole regions of our planet this past August. What an incredible trip. I plan to take two small boat expeditions there next July. This is an image from one of the 15 polar bear encounters we had during this trip. Just amazing animals. Especially when you see the way they live.
When I show friends my images of Scotland they can’t believe it as ,pst of the time in Scotland it is grey and cloudy and dull. I had a week of incredible light last year and I took full advantage of it. Here is an image made at surmise with a lake that was mirror flat. It was an beautiful morning with splendid images.
While my friend Steve Gosling and I toured the Isle Of Skye area in Scotland we came upon a small visiting pier and village. we both went off in different directions. This one shot I made of a boat on the beck. It looked best cropped square (thanks Steve). Shot with an Olympus OMD 5.