This image was made on one of my trips to New Zealand a number of years ago. We had just visited the set of the Hobbit and we drove down the road a ways and came across this beautiful brook. The falls and water seemed to be coming right out of the woods. I spent. a bit of time getting this shot right. It now hangs in my living room as a metal print.
Tag: Waterfall
Dettifoss in Iceland
Rock Abstracts
Lately I have been using a long lens a lot and exploring the bigger landscape looking for what I call the picture in a picture. These two images are good examples. While in Icleand we visited this amazing wall of rock formations. Using my 100-400mm lens on the Fuji XT-2 I explored the wall and came up with numerous images like the one above. I did the same on a large waterfall coming out with the image below. Sometimes you have to look at the big picture and see what you are missing in the small picture.
Raberfoss in BW

It’s kind of a joke with my friends that every time I pass these falls when in Iceland I have to stop and shoot the, Sometimes it is the simple shot that just works and I have been shooting this location for 12 years on every trip to Iceland. I converted this image to BW and think it works quite well. Shot with a Fuji XT2, and a Winne Country Filter system with a 10 stop ND filter.
Final Iceland Workshop Images
The Iceland 2017 Winter Workshop is over. My apologies for not posting more images while it was taking place. We were shooting non-stop from dawn to sunset, doing dinner and sometimes out looking for Northern Lights. Wasn’t much time at the end of the day. So, here’s the final selects for now. The workshop was fantastic. I am going to do more small group workshops in the future. It allowed us to do so much more. The group was the best and they all had talent and great eyes for composition. The summer workshop is almost sold out so if you want to see Iceland sign up today. I will not be doing any Iceland tours in 2018. Thank you, Daniel Bergmann my friend and the best guide in Iceland.
Little Waterfall – Part of A Big Waterfall
I was in Iceland shoot a very big waterfall. I love waterfalls and I am sure by now you know how much I love Iceland. After I shot the bigger waterfall I but my long lens on the Fuji-Xt2. It has the reach of a 600mm lens on a full frame camera. I started to explore at the longest focal lengths different parts of the waterfall. I used a 1/2 to 1-second exposure to shoot what I found. This was one of those shots.
Svalbard Ice Pack Waterfall
On a visit to Svalbard in the northern Polar circle is a giant ice cap and during the summer there is melting and run off. Sometimes the run off opens a hole in the face of the ice pack and you get these giant waterfalls. Called Austfonnain case you want to look it up. This was made with a long lens from a moving ship. Nikon 810 with 80-400mm lens.
Big Ass Waterfall
One thing that I never get tired of in Iceland is waterfalls. I know some people do as there is a waterfall around every turn. You could go nuts shooting waterfalls in Iceland. This waterfall, Gullfoss has so much water running over it is staggering. Where does it all come from? Rather than shoot the falls like everyone else and tried to fit this mammoth waterfall into the frame I put on my 400mm lens and shot the falls in close. I also tried various shutter speeds until I found one that gave the falls just the right look. Not too velvety and not to definitive. I liked the way this turned out.
Another Waterfall But A Nice One
Black & White Waterfalls In Iceland
I worked this image a lot in Photoshop and in color it looks real nice. But, as I do with many images I decided to try it as a BW image and I liked it. BW offers a lot and somewhat a nostalgic feel. I have been going through the image catalog for 2015. I shot 55,000 images this year. Not one of my largest numbers but up there. I so often have no time to work on images and thus get far behind on image editing. The Holidays has allowed me a little time to catch up and as result I have several weeks worth of images to share on the blog. Hope you enjoy this image and more to come.
Happy New Year. This is my last entry for this year.