Once again on one of my walk a bouts in Chicago I saw this image on a bridge in . Carefully lined it up and waited for the person to come into the frame. Do you like it? Kind of cool, It shows a lot about Chicago, old, new and lots of riveted steel and iron. Taken with a Phase One P65+. Yes you can do street photography with it.
Tag: Phase One P65+
Waterfall In the Fall

You can find amazing places close to home sometimes. One of those places is Rickets Glenn Park in pennsylvania. There are 26 waterfalls there and you can spend several days shooting them. You have to do some hiking but it is quite beautiful especially in early October when the colors change. I’ll be posting more images from this wonderful place in coming days.
A Peaceful Morning
The Australian Outback is a beautiful yet extremely remote place. A lot of it is just flat bush and almost desert like. But if you know where to look you find these kind of places. Google – Glen Helen. near Glen Helen there are a number of gorges where you find beautiful scenes like this. Shot with a Phase One 60 mega pixel camera.
Norway Waterfalls
Keep Thinking COLD

We are having another 100 plus degree day in Indianapolis today. And, one more forecasted for tomorrow. So, let’s enjoy a shot from the Gullett in Antarctica where is was cold and beautiful. This was one of the most magical places I have ever visited. Mirror flat water reflecting snow covered mountains. Truly a once in a lifetime view.
Masonic Temple, Main Hall, Indy

The Masons have a very mysterious reputation with stories and legends to amaze all of us. The Masonic Temple in Indianapolis is just one of those mysterious place. the building is grand and the main hall is grand. But, there is a whole huge building across the parking lot with only one door in and no windows. I really want to go in there and see what it is, but you need to be some special member for that. The legend continues. This was 5 Phase One P65+ images stitched together.
Happy Easter – Sunrise In Antacrtica

Happy easter Sunday. It’s a great day here in Indianapolis today. I wanted to share an image that is a sunrise in Antarctica. Actually it’s the tail end of sunset. See the sun really never goes away it just kind of gets real low and gives you four hours of sunset or two of sunset and two of sunrise. Either way like a lot of things you see in Antarctica it is a constant reminder that there is something greater out there creating all of this each day. The things I have seen on my three trips there as well other experiences has allowed me to feel closer spiritually to god and the magnificent things that have been created. My photography allows me each day to capture a little piece of that and share it like I do here.
Rust and Decay

Sometimes you take a photo and you wish you could go back in time and see what something looked like in its prime. This shot was made of a rusted hull of a ship in Buenos Aires. From what I could tell this was a party boat of some type. This image is of what I presume was the dining room. As you can see all the wood and content is gone. I just loved the look, geometry, and of course the rust. This was hit in a very dangerous part of Buenos Aires, so while it was being taken I was always watching out for a mugger as well as the few friends that were with me were on constant guard. I have a lot of rusty ship images from this trip and maybe I’ll post a few more in the near future.
Iceland Land Of Such Beauty

In May of this year I am leading another Phase One PODAS workshop to the beautiful country of Iceland. This is a magnificent country with such beauty it is hard to describe but easy to appreciate. Even the horses are art. This shot was done on one of the main roads around Iceland. here are a lot of spots like this so it is hard to get too far without wanting to jump out of the car and shoot another image. If you are interested in going me on my workshop you can learn more information HERE.
Old Train

Sometimes I find myself coming back to my rust and decay images as I found my self this morning. I am in Seattle for a few days then move over to Olympic National Park this weekend where I will be scouting out locations for an upcoming PODAS Photo workshop. I love ONP and there are so many cool places to shoot. Challenge is timing from one spot to another and time to shoot when there. I will end up having to move around 2-30 people and the logitics are tough, but I am good at that.
Today’s picture is the rusting and decaying interior of an old Pullman car sitting off a railroad siding abandoned and decaying away. I love the texture, colors and the general state of what it is today and what it might have been yesterday. Shot in Noblesville, IN of all places.