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Slot Canyons

Canyon X, Slot Canyons near Page, AZ
Canyon X, Slot Canyons near Page, AZ

Everyone loves shooting the slot canyons in and near Page, AZ.  Me included, yet I always try to see these magnificent locations differently.  I shoot tight, and I look up a lot.  I also think square.  I have managed to get what I consider some unique images of the canyons.  This one is not that unique but it is a nice looking tight shot Canyon X.  Shot with an Olympus OMD.

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Reflections Of Copenhagen

Copenhagen Reflection
Copenhagen Reflection

One of my favorite cities to visit is Copenhagen.  There is so much to like, such as great foo, super friendly people and a unique charm unlike any other city.  I absolutely love walking the city and taking pictures.  I usually leave a day just for this activity when doing business there.  The shot above was made photographing a reflection in one of the canals.  You always have tone looking.  It’s amazing what is right in front of us.

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Blue Blue

An iceberg in the Arctic
An iceberg in the Arctic

I love blue icebergs.  I intend to in the next year publish a book and do an exhibit on ice.  I am kind of fascinated by ice and rust.  Now that is some polar opposites.  This is a northern iceberg.  It was photographed on my trip to the arctic circle this past August.  The ice in the north is different than in the Antarctic.  I all make another trip to the arctic this summer and leave again for Antarctica again in a few weeks.  Look for more ice in the near future.

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Australia Color

One of many gorges in Central Australia
One of many gorges in Central Australia

Australia is n amazing country.  I am blessed to have many friends (mates) there.  I usually spend a few weeks a year there photographing.  This is form one of my trips and it was shot in one of the many gorges in central Australia.  Shot with a Phase One IQ180 and I liked the rock n the foreground, the color of the background with the unique looking tree.

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On The Way To Denali

Igloo Building near Denali NP, Alaska
Igloo Building near Denali NP, Alaska

One of the cool things about cruising American highways is that you stumble upon some of the oddest things.  Here is an example that I found on my way driving from Anchorage to Denali NP.  Off to the side of the road is this giant looking igloo.  It is abandoned and upon further inspection actually was never complete.  The story goes they couldn’t get enough water and utilities there to make the spot operate so they just left it.  Pretty cool place.